Pre-harvest quick flush/mollasses questions


Active Member
hey guys, i'm starting my flush today.

I understand most people say to "flush 2 weeks to 10 days pre-harvest" but I can't find anywhere if that means, say i flush today and it's dry in 3-4 days, do i FLUSH again and rinse and repeat until harvest? Or flush ONCE, then when it gets dry, do normal water feedings with 1 tablespoon of molasses, wait until dry, do normal water with molasses, etc until harvest? i flush only that ONCE or EVERY time my soil gets dry for the last week or so pre-harvest?


Active Member
you flush everytime the soil gets dry for the last week or so.....unless your using a flushing agent like sledge hammer or clear x.
they only require 1 or 2 flushes. you can add your molasses with any of these methods. also its good to check the ppm of your soil to see if there is any old nutes left before you harvest. hope this helps ;)


Active Member
it does help. thank you. I don't have a ppm meter unfortunately, question though. Like today for example, i did a flush, waited about an hour or 2, then poured in a regular feeding amount of water and molasses, is this technique ok? I'd think that if i flush with molasses i'd wash the molasses right out. To me it makes sense to flush out salt/nutes, let it drain or whatever a little, then add in my molasses..what do you guys think? I'm using 1 tablespoon in a gallon's a PC grow so it's a pretty damn small plant.


Well-Known Member
Flushing soil is counter productive, especially if you mean running a bunch of water through the pot.
Flushing is for hydro when you over feed.
Flushing soil stresses your plants, lowers yield and does not improve flavor and taste.


Active Member
ok i will automatically discredit your post from all the evidence of posts/others experience. I can't possible lower my yield by flushing for 10 days....a) my present yield wont shrink and b) my plant couldnt possibly really grow much in a week in a half to anything significant . thanks for stopping by though


Well-Known Member
That's OK man.
Unless you think you overfed, really no difference in flush or not flushing that I have found, but if you want to, it won't hurt.