Pre-made Grow Rooms?


I'm hoping I can get feedback on something that can be bought, pre-manufactured, self contatined, that will grow only a couple of plants at a time, that doesn't cost over 300 dollars. I don't really have the room to set up a grow room plus I honestly don't want the responsibility that comes with a large setup. Maybe one day, after I've grown a while and feel comfortable with it will I decide to invest more time and resources. But for now, any suggestions that take into consideration cost, time, simplicity and, obviously, a reputable company?

Much appreciated!



Well-Known Member
for 300? i doubt it not new anyway. you do mean like a full on grow cab right not just like a dwc tub?

I'd say find some DIY plans on here and build what you need it's cheaper and you get exactly what you want.

I can tell you how to build the box i made for 160 with stuff from home depot


Well-Known Member
doesnt cost over 300? good luck with that....
stealth hydro maybe, but all ive heard about them is how bad they suck... so i dunno.
with only 300 to play with, more than half of that is going to go to your lighting/controls anyways, so you might want to rethink your budget, unless your a DIY kind of guy like I am, but even still i have to shell out 100's for raw materials to build things that cost thousands, so in the end you get what you pay for, regardless if you DIY or buy it premade.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
for 300? i doubt it not new anyway. you do mean like a full on grow cab right not just like a dwc tub?

I'd say find some DIY plans on here and build what you need it's cheaper and you get exactly what you want.

I can tell you how to build the box i made for 160 with stuff from home depot
yeah i was going to say this to himm to build your own
but he says he doesnt have much space


Well-Known Member
you can get a 2x4 or 4x4 tent and a 4ft 4 bulb t5 for like 200-250 but you'll still need a fan, filter, pots, soil, nutes ect.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member

these are made of wood cost lessthen 150 and can be self made (diy) for way less
or even picked up at a second hand furniture store for way less
try a thriff store or a flee market



Well-Known Member
with those you need to cut holes to vent run power and what not, the tents built for this have all that plus light hangers


Well-Known Member
building a grow tent with a portable closet isn't too hard. it just takes some work. the holes can be cut with a utility knife. the tube for the clothes works fine to hold the light up.

the hardest part is getting the reflective material on the walls, and with some elmer's spray glue it's easy.

and for power a thick extension chord(16 gauge at least) , hooked up to a big surge protector like the following will work just fine:

for ventilation and air circulation (if using CFLS):

passive intakes.

and a 9-12 inch fan on top is enough if you're using CFL's. the fans run about 7 bucks at walmart (summertime).

all in all he spent about 200 bucks in his whole setup, including fox farm soil, nute trio, 5 x 3 gallon buckets, and about 400 watts of CFLs, clamp lights, n everything else..... (he can't use HID, it's 100 in the summer and it's in his attic, HID is out of the question)....

he's used it for 4 successful harvests, getting around 3/4 pounds off it, and that's with 2 or 3 females. haven't had 5 females in there yet......

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
You would have to use CFL's, plywood, white paint, and soil.....
a couple of fans.... This won't be efficient AT ALL, but you can
grow plants indoors for $300.... But you won't get very dense
product at all..Unles you are medical, I'd say its not worth the


Well-Known Member
we are growing 46 on gear we paid 6-7 hundred for and doing well. I've built plenty of grow cabs and the tent was way better as far as cost, ease and build time.


Well-Known Member
Building my first pc case cost me about $100 total. I yield > 1 oz. per harvest out of it every 3 months. That's plenty for me to smoke. If you have $300, you can build 3 cases for an oz. per month. Easy math, for me...

Also, I should mention that it's pretty cool to have people over.. working in the house or whatever, stand 1 foot away from growing pot and have absolutely no idea.



Well-Known Member
Building my first pc case cost me about $100 total. I yield > 1 oz. per harvest out of it every 3 months. That's plenty for me to smoke. If you have $300, you can build 3 cases for an oz. per month. Easy math, for me...

Also, I should mention that it's pretty cool to have people over.. working in the house or whatever, stand 1 foot away from growing pot and have absolutely no idea.

what kinda light you using in there??


Active Member
Ive been seeing a lot of adds on craigslist for lights. Real good way to get them cheap. Idk where you are but you could put an add out? Its not to hard to make a grow room.. Its the equipment.


Thanks for the responses. I'm very DIY capable and if worst comes to worst I'll build something. I was kind of hoping I could find a simple solution, something not so scientific and technical. I've grown before with sodiums and fans, nothing special. I remember a long time ago, High Times used to advertise little aquarium-like tanks for hydroponics...I think it would grow maybe a single plant but the entire thing was self contained and if I remember correctly, came with everything you needed to grow a plant. Just something small. I've been looking at pre-fab grow boxes and...yeah, way over my budget and extremely technical (kind of reminds me of attempting to start a salt water aquarium). The light tents are interesting and can be homemade fairly easily. I'm just wrapped up with other stuff going on in my life to invest so much effort. I know that to get good bud you need good seeds and a methodical and technical approach to growing but I'm not concerned with growing killer bud, right now. I just want to stop hassling the couple of people I know that can get it...not too mention supply and demand around here has "okay" bud way overpriced. Legalize it already, you know?