Pre-manufactured Grow Boxes


Well-Known Member
Hi All,

I'm anxiosly awaiting for my PC Grow Box from Homegrown-Hydroponics to be delivered. Does anyone with experience with pre-made grow boxes have any input regarding there effectiveness, yields, quality, anything?




Well-Known Member
Thomas..will do, but I'll be looking for lot of advice, this'll be my first grow. I'm glad I found this site.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, how big is that thing?
I'm curious.
I thought about gutting a few of my old computers and making grow boxes..
But then again.
I don't think that'd really work.


Well-Known Member
don't know the dimensions, I haven't recieved it yet and their website doesn't say. I think there's about 12" of growing height, but I'll let you know when I get it.

Honestly, what type of yield can I expect with 10-12" of height in such a confined growing space? Anyone?


Well-Known Member
if you only have 10-12" you better keep a mother and clone area

and flower clones @ 1-2" seriously!

then if you still have problems.....train them under a trellis or screen.


Well-Known Member
i hope the shit works for you, but you can make a grow box that is designed around your own specific needs for same price or less. thats also one of the benefits of exploring this community...lots of do it yourself type shit. i have also heard of people going 12/12 from seed with success. if you dont have tha option for a separate veg and flower space that would be my next plan of action. best of luck to ya bruh! man, they almost got me for six hunned bucks too tho...lemme know if its worth it


Well-Known Member
Thanks all, This will be my first grow so I'm not yet worried about clones and maxing out harvests. I'm just hoping to get some viable buds!

I realize I could have made something similiar for much less money but my space and time is so limited right now that it was the better option for me. If I get some buds it will be the best money I ever spent! And just for the record, I paid $499

From the few books that I've read about hydro, this company seems to have a great product. Check them out and let me know your opinion -

I like the idea of a grow box as oppossed to an entire room or closet because of the work involved and also I believe it will be more confined. If this grow goes well I will quickly upgrade to one of their bigger and better boxes, complete with a seperate mothe and clone chamber.

Any and all feedback is greatly appriciated!! I love this site!

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
Like Aerogardens, a PC case is impracticably small to grow cannabis in. If you're lucky enough to keep temps in it low enough to not kill the plants, you'll smoke your entire crop in one sitting.

Think about a freestanding wardrobe, about 2m H x 1.5m W x .5m deep. Wardrobes this size have some potential for a micro op that will yield a useful amount of smoke. With space subdivided for a cloning area, a mother plant area and a flowering area, you might realistically be able to keep 4 roughly 1m tall SoG style plants in flower under a cooltubed 250 or 400HPS, a mum or two and a few clones setting root under fluoros, being readied to flower or become replacement mums. Such a wardrobe grow could yield about 1/2-3/4oz per SoG lollipop with one plant being harvested every 2 weeks.


Well-Known Member
You can grow in small spaces, yields suck, but it can successfully be done. A good short growing pheno like lowryder is what you would want to grow. Growing only main colas in a SOG/SCROG will net the max yields for PC cases.

Those gen hydroponics boxes look pretty good to me, I don't like how the light is integrated into the box,IMO BCNL Boxes have the lights integrated nicely. The fan and filters are really nice and the price is agreeable also, Hope you have a great experience, let us know how it works out.


Well-Known Member
thanks, all

I plan to use the simple tie-down method, nothing to complex as this is my first grow. I realize the yeilds are going to be nothing to write home about. I have room for three plants and would be happy to get a 1/4oz total. How much could a grow box so small yeild if grown adequately?


Well-Known Member
hey leo...this is it PC Grow Box; Complete System for Growing 1-3 Plants in a Computer Case

I gotta say that the setup is pretty cool, but it does have several flaws. When the lights and fans are on it screams, "look at me, I'm marijuana!" This also leads to the problem of light coming in on my plants, luckily, my schedule will allow to keep the room dark during flowering times. Also, on a scale of 1-10 customer service gets a negative 2. The kit came with no directions and when I called for help and support it was clear that the guy wasn't really interested. Also, I got a broken light, damaged faceplate, spilled chemical, and missing odor puck. When I called I was told that it was my fault for not checking the package before UPS left. I wouldn't recommend Homegrown-Hydroponics to my worst enemy. The guy said he would make good on the damaged property only if UPS would take responsibility.

I bought a new light, some milar, some aluminum tape, and extension cords. I configured everything and sealed up the light leaks the best I could. Also, I covered the entire inside with the milar.

I germed my seeds last night using damp paper towel...The plants only have about 10" to grow vertically but the box is 17" wide and 8" deep, I'm hoping to utilize this horizontal space.

Please no "I told you so's, you should have DIY" I'm very aware that I could have made something much better with less money. I've known this from the start!! I purchased this box because I have zero space, zero time, and zero patiance. I currently live in a 10 by 12 room with two roommates in NYC. I don't have the means to build anything!!

What I could really use know is some help with what I've got...anyone?!?!?


Well-Known Member
Grow some seeds bro, start flowering them once they have shown the second set of "Real" leaves. Learn as much as you can while experiencing it all first hand. looks like it will grow some weed, it may not be high quality, but you could probably still sell it to your roomies and make some cash.


Well-Known Member
Grow some seeds bro, start flowering them once they have shown the second set of "Real" leaves. Learn as much as you can while experiencing it all first hand. looks like it will grow some weed, it may not be high quality, but you could probably still sell it to your roomies and make some cash.
Thanks, man...the quality isn't even bad...just flawed. Not sure if my current roomies are into the weed.

My goal for this first grow is 1/4oz with 3 seeds/plants. Any comments out there regarding this as a realistic goal?


Active Member
I have a grow box from hg, and it is a v3 400w hyrdo.
this is my first grow hyrdo. i find its hard to control the temps so i added some fans. the growth comapre to dirt is 1/3 of the time. you have to keep close eye on water levels and ph. i am doing well at this point just started flowering couple days ago. seed to flowering 6 weeks 15inches tall. ill let you know how it turns out.