preferred method of wake and bake?


Active Member
i know everyone has their own favorite way of smoking in general, but does anyone smoke a certain way for wake and bakes only? i love waking up and rolling a nice blunt with a glass of choco milk lol.


Active Member
Uhh normally it's whatever I have available and how much weed I feel like smoking but I prefer to roll a medium sized joint, go sit out back and watch whats goin on.


Active Member
Uhh normally it's whatever I have available and how much weed I feel like smoking but I prefer to roll a medium sized joint, go sit out back and watch whats goin on.
my joint rolling skills suck right now, so i stick to blunts, but i sit on my porch and watch all of my neighbors scurry off to work every morning while i sit back and burn one lol

Steve French

Well-Known Member
Roll out of bed, grab that bong (with a hoot already in 'er) and let fly. High within 20 seconds of awakening.