Preflower Help!

Hello,Then how do they sell feminised seeds? how do the seed banks know what sex they are? anyway I would rather make a clone anyway but maybe I will make a clone and buy a few seeds this year to get a different flavor and high maybe go with a new kind and have 3 plants outside instead of inside. I have an airport not far away and it is a small one for private planes and it also has all the sheriff and police helicopter take off spots for this whole L.A area and they fly right over my house all day and have never stopped to houver or look and even while I am outside working on the plants maybe they see the rest of the garden and don't think about it or maybe they just don't care to bother because they probably think that he must have a card or why would he be so out in the open like this? So that 's nice to know then I will probably just plant that seed and see what I get and then maybe start a few new plants and keep my other plant going on because it is a good strain. So yeah if you have any question's I will ask them for you and take notes and tell you what they say. like the question you just asked I can ask them if you want? not a problem at all!!! it is the least I could do after all the help you have given me!!! and that is great that you are finishing up your asociate degree soon are you going for a bachelor degree? eventually and what are you studying? I wish you all the best luck in finishing with top GPA!!!!! Have a great weekend and take care and hit those books. I graduated from bowling green on an Ice Hockey scholarship, with a B' average and I graduated and got picked up by the L.A kings minor league team and in 1991 at 28 I got asked to move up for the playoffs in the NHL with the L.A. Kings but in my 1st practice with the team that went to the stanley cup I got tripped up by another player on my own team and hit the dasher boards the ones that surround the hockey rink and broke my back and neck! was never able to play ever again not even for fun but College was the bomb!!!!!!!! Are you going to the campus or online? I would do college all over again that was awesome!!!! Well I don't want to bother you about me but have a great time in school if you are on campus that will be a blast!!!! C-YA, BB2112!!!!
View attachment 1752272after pulling them off the plant and a trim

View attachment 1752269 And a pic of the final harvest after it has dried and being put into cure.

and the next generation of clones.View attachment 1752273
Ha1 I didn';t notice that before on this picture of the buds on the floor it says something Maine what does it say above that, which city in Maine? that is funny I just noticed that as i went back for a 2nd look and I started wondering why you put them scatterd on the floor like that and then i saw Maine and then i couldn't quite make out the top one. C-YA!!!! BRB2112!!!!!
You have a month and more at least yet. If weather permits.

Just a tip...Its hard to read all your posts cause of few periods or paragraphs.........Break it down bro.
growers create feminized seeds by selective breeding and creating a plant with stable female genetics, and that's what they sell to the banks as feminized seeds. I think it has something to do with back crossing a hermie female with another stable female, since straight hermie seeds tend to produce more hermies.
I live about two miles from a rather large airport, one of my top reasons for not growing outside.
I am just attending a local community college, so I'll still be living at home. It's always fun meeting new people, and seeing how the kids fresh outta high school look younger every year.
I started working towards my degree almost three years ago and was supposed to finish up last year. But in November 2010, I started having chest pains one morning. I drove to my mothers house since she is a nurse, and I guess she ended up calling the paramedics. I woke up a week later tied to a hospital bed not having any idea what was going on or what had happened. They had to open up my chest and replace a ruptured artery that lead to my heart. Everyone was so confused how this could happen to a 22 year old, but eh, shit happens. I ended up losing my job because of the time off I needed to get follow up surgeries and procedures done. Though I was just a register jockey at a gas station, so no real loss there. It's just amazing how one thing can happen to throw off your life plans, or at least set them back a bit.
I don't have any problems reading your posts :leaf:
Thanks, So you are doing fine now? I hope so that sounds crazy scary, and yes the people that are getting out of school and going to college look and act much younger than when I went to college but that is great that you decided to finish , very cool!!! how do you know so much about this at such a young age? I did a little growing in highschool but never had any knowledge of how to do it correctly. You have floored me with with some of your answers and you have always answered all my question's and even this one you had a therory! that is cool and If that guy is correct then I have awhile too wait till I harvest!!!!! A month at least and I know the weather here isn't going to change , it never does . that's why i loved N.Y so much when I lived their for a while it had such awesome season's. I lived in a small town up state in Somers N.Y. and it was really cool all the old houses and the weather there was really awesome the thunder and lightning was so loud and bright and strong that the windows would vibrate when it went bang and then it would pour and I mean with drops the size of a pea, here is so cal we get drizzle at best and no lightning or thunder. Anyway thanks agian for writting back with that answer because now i may not even plant that seed if I am making clones now as easy as I am. it seems harder to start with a seed and I may end up with a male and have to put all that work in and get a male so. forget that idea!!!! but i am going to grow at the end of the season so I can get an earlier start than this year. well best of luck and let me know when you get started for this winter. I can't wait to start another all though, I may try another plant and buy some seeds I don't know. I will kick that thought around for awhile but if you know a good strain that would grow well out here then let me know. because it is always hot out here or sometimes foggy in the morning but still it never gets below 50 here. so if you know of a good strain for me to choose fill me in. Talk to you later enjoy the rest of your weekend, C-YA, BB2112 and thanks but that doesn't hurt my feelings about the typing, I never said I was a great typer
I know I suck at it!!!! but that was nice of you to say!!!!!
ive always been interested in biology. Applying a bit of basic plant science, a LOT of online reading with plenty of trial and error gives me a general idea on how to do things.
I like to start from seed. It just seems more rewarding to watch the plant go from a teeny speck in a shell to a big fluffy plant that I get to eventually chop up and smoke. If you plant from seed, you can just grow out a mother keep it in veg and take cuttings for as long as you can keep her alive. You can even turn one of your clones that you have now into a mother.
You gotta keep your options open cause not every seed is worth keeping a mother. And give yourself time so your not vegging out faster than flowering.....Smaller pots helps with mothers but then your gonna water more so its up to you. Me personally I can't let go of good genetics anymore and must run a pack of quality seeds and pick out my keepers..Kinda in the process now with querkle and its going good so far.
What do you mean it's not worth keeping a mother plant? Also what do you mean by give yourself time so your not vegging faster than flowering? I have One mother a big one and I have 4 other smaller clones. I was Just practicing making clones because I was interested in how it was done. Now that I have done it no big deal it's not that difficult this is a pretty hardy plant But I like this mother plant and want to keep her around as a basic excellent smoking plant. the taste and smell and strentgh is great so I want to keep at least one producing and then maybe try a few different seeds and I wanted to know if Korner420garden had any good suggestions on what seeds to get for my climate. outdoors growing, in soil!!!!! We have been talking about our grows for awhile and I wasn't really putting the question out to everyone but if you want to give any suggestions that would be great. Thank You, BB2112!!!!
Same question to you, That's what I was really getting at was if you had any suggestions about any good seeds to buy for a different plant this year as well as the clone I will have of the mother plant. You know ones that woukld grow well in my climate usually very hot in the summer alot of sun and even pretty warm and not much annual rain, in the winter though it does get the offshore fog in the morning and makes it alittle humid in the morning then burns off by noon or earlier. I would like to try another plant as long as it is an outside growing plant and soil grown! Thanks have a great week, BB2112!!! she is really getting some very long and thick buds it is going to be a very nice harvest and the trichomes are still mostly clear and when they get about 3/4 amber I am going to harvest or maybe 50/50. I am not sure yet but i would like that full body high and i think that was when it was 50/50 clear and amber or cloudy and amber. I will have to go back and look at your scale again. Thanks!!!! BB2112!!!!!
A mother plant is one that you keep in veg to take cuttings and not let it flower. So having a plant with doodie genetics isn't worth keeping around as a mother. The big plant you have in the ground right now technically isn't a mother now.

A sativa dominant plant would be great for your area since you have a nice warm consistent climate. They tend to grow taller and they take a bit more time to mature then a short bushy indica plant. Since you don't get snow, you wouldn't have to worry about pulling them before they are ready. There are also some auto-flower strains that you could experiment with. Though your location is pretty much ideal for any strain.

You're gonna want to harvest before the crystals are 50/50 cloudy and amber, ideally mostly cloudy with 5-10% amber. While you are drying and curing, the THC is still breaking down and the crystals will still turn color. The process doesn't stop when you chop it. If you wait too long to chop, then you're just going to feel tired when you smoke it. Think of it this way, THC= the "high" CBN and CBD= the "stone." That quick buzzy high you get from early weed is just the opposite of the sluggish sleepy effect of late weed. The THC is what makes crystals clear. As it breaks down into other cannabinoids, it causes the crystals to turn cloudy and amber.
In simple terms, you want a some clear, mostly cloudy and a little amber.
Korner420 Answered your question on post...........You don't want advice fine with me. You gotta alot to learn and only asking one person is only fucking you. No offense Korner420 You gave good advice but we all must soak everything up.

And your thread said help! So I tried.
Korner420 Answered your question on post...........You don't want advice fine with me. You gotta alot to learn and only asking one person is only fucking you. No offense Korner420 You gave good advice but we all must soak everything up.

And your thread said help! So I tried.

He didn't say anything about not wanting your advice, and welcomed your input. Though we did take this thread off topic
Okay that sounds great!!! I was thinking about around 10 to 20% amber and the rest cloudy was about when I was going to take her down and they are now getting cloudy and maybe a few amber ones like maybe 1 amber per 30 cloudy ones so it is still a little ways away from pulling the plug on her and chopping her head off. LOL. (as you put it) So the way it has been going I would say in about 2 to 3 weeks is when that will be ready they take awhile to get amber so I will look mostly for the cloudy ones and then when I see a few amber or quiet a fewbut not 50% about 20 to 30% as I said above, I will pull her out and hang her after chopping her head off. Ha Ha!!! Thank You again, BB2112!!!!!! Have a good one!!!! C-YA!!!
Korner420 Answered your question on post...........You don't want advice fine with me. You gotta alot to learn and only asking one person is only fucking you. No offense Korner420 You gave good advice but we all must soak everything up.

And your thread said help! So I tried.

Dude, I said thank you for your input and I listen to everyone but most of the time korner 420 was the only one who answered me. I ask for advice from anyone and she was the one who answered me then we just started talking and I have listened to many people not only Korner 420. I listened to what you said, you didn't see where I said thank you for your imput? I wasn't being sarcastic or rude and you shouldn't take it that way. I am nowhere near an expert and I am learning and I am happy just to get any answer and I take advise from anyone who will give it to me if it stands up to what other's say, then I know I have a sorse! I took your advice very seriously and I even asked you what you meant by vegging faster than budding or whatever it was but you answered me back with this instead of what I needed. I don't want to fight with people on here. I wanted to make some friends and learn some good shit for growing like a pro!!!! It was just nice to have someone that constantly had an answer for me that's all. I would love to have you put in your advice, it could only help me, unless yuou where fucking with me and told me some bogus advise and it fucked me over then I would be pissed but I am not mad or even bothered by your writting me back, in fact I am happy someone finally did. if you look back korner 420 has been the only one to help me for about 1 month now or more I forget how long but no one else wanted to answer so I kept talking with 420 because everything he or she told me sounded pretty good like she has done it many times and alot of what 420 told me checked out with the hydroponics store that I go to where I live. Not that I was checking out what 420 said, just when I went in there I told them I was growing a plant and that I should do it like this right to make it sound like I knew what i was talking about and they would say yeah exactly like that and then I knew that 420 knew some good shit. So dude please don't get all pissed off I would really welcomer anything you have to say even if it was the opposite of 420. All I was saying was that I was talking to 420 because it souinded like they had done alot of growing and knew what they were talking about. So sorry if you thought i was being an ass I wasn't trying to be so please if you have anything to tell me that i should know feel free to say it please!!!! thanks and sorry for getting off on the wrong foot I didn't mean it to be taken that way i am really sorry man. take it easy and thank you for speaking up about it. Later BB2112!!!!! P.S I was talking to one guy in the very begginning and he was a great sourse but i even asked him "hey do you mind if i put you down as a friend and ask you alot of question's"? He answered back "NO" "I don't mind if you ask me question's it wouldn't bother me at all and we talked for awhile and then i asked him question's every day and then after about a week he would never answer my question's anymore maybe cause i asked him too many but he said i would never bother him he would be happy and he is still on here today at least his name and avatar are. So he quit on me and it was just something that 420 kept answering me and they didn't mind helping, in fact we started comparing and talking about pot laws and other shit, so I kept asking 420 question's and he or she answered them! so I just never thought anyone would come in and say anything to me untill you did. That's it man, don't be pissed I would invite your comments happily!!!! Thanks again. later, BB2112
I wasn't trying to make him mad. In fact I am pretty sure that I thanked him for his input. and asked him a question about what he wrote about vegging ahead of my budding or too fast something like that!!! Then i got that letter from him saying all that shit like he was pissed. So i wrote hima big long letter and told him that i welcome everyone's input and that I would really like it if more people would get involved with the conversation but it stayed pretty much between us not purposely, that's just the way it went then i stated to get to know you and it was kind of cool tal;king to you about other stuff as well so I was just trying to learn and don't want to piss anyone off or turn away anyones advise. everyone goes through different things and knowing as much as you can is they only way to get really good at anything so I told him please get involved i won't be mad, In fact i would really think it was cool. So I hope he is not pissed at me anymore.!!! Anyway Thanks for all the help and we can continue the thread and I hope you are still going to help me through some of this harvesting as it goes along hopefully fast and easy, and then smoke it!!!!!! Take it easy and talk to you later, take it easy. BB2112!!!!! P.S. I didn't say anything rude or offensive to that guy? Did I? I hope not i certainly didn't mean to. Oh well I wrote him a letter of what I was trying to say and if it came out sounding offensive then I am SORRY!!!!! I really am. I want friends on here not foes!! That's all C-YA!!! BB! I will have some question's for you tomorrow so I will write you tomorrow and wait to hear from you!!!!!
i look forward to all ur questions. I come on here every day now just to see if you posted anything. And dont mind that other dude, some people can be so sensitive and take ur words the wrong way even if you didnt mean anything by it. All you did was ask what he meant, and he got all pissed. All well, nobody is forcing him to read this thread.
I guess, I still don't want to piss anyone off. I want to learn as much as possible. Anyway I was outside today looking at the buds which are getting pretty long and pretty full and the trichomes are all cloudy and a few amber about one out of every 30 but in some places they have little groups of amber trichomes and then the rest of the small leaves would be cloudy and a few amber ones here and there. Also when I look at the trichomes with the magnifying loupe with the LED light it kind of makes the trichomes glow and look clear but they are really cloudy but when I go out in the sunlight with no LED light just using the loupe magnifyer, they don't glow and I see more amber ones than when I have the LED lights on them. So should I go by the way it looks like in the sun or by the way it looks in the LED light on the magnifying glass? (The loupe has a light on it and it is a LED light or actually 2 of them small ones) So I am questioning how many are really Amber and how many are clear and how many are cloudy therer are a few clear ones still. but it is hard to decide which light to depend on. I would say the sunlight right? because that would be natural light and I guess what my question is, is that are those loupe LED lights made to make it so you can see it better or should I depend on the sunlight ? I know it probably sounds confussing especially how I put it but if you understand what I am saying can you let me know what I should be looking at the buds with natural light or the LED? Here are some pics of the buds let me know what you think, and thanks about the first thing you mentioned on your letter back I felt bad about pissing him off but i guess you can't please everyone and on the computer they can't seePictures 008.jpg your facial exspressions so he probably just took it the wrong way. Anyway here are the pics enjoy!!!!! Pictures 009.jpg Pictures 010.jpg Pictures 011.jpg3 of them are obviously sideways but that was the only way I could get that close and get the whole bud in the pic. also that is the plant and you can see how many buds are growing and they are all about the same size. but she is very happy and growing very well and I want to post the other 4 picts in the next box or post so I am going to upload the other's on another post. I think 4 is the most you can do on one post. C-YA, BB2112!!!!!!!!
Pictures 013.jpgPictures 017.jpgHere are the other's IPictures 015.jpg wanted you to see as well, the clones. I put them all in the ground as well and they took off and started growing really fast and they are starting to bud now. there are a total of 5 clones and the one big plant the clones are looking really good too. The one pic has 4 clones in a pack the middle picture is 4 plants the last one the little one is budding already too. so I will have to make a clone of the clones as soon as I can and what keep her under lights so she won't bud? the the first pic is the buds just starting and the the last picture is the other clone sitting next to the big plant or the mother. That area inside the boards was supposed to be the veggie garden but I guess so much for the garden!!!! LOL!!! I kinds got side tracked, with some other kind of plants!!! LOL!!!! well take it easy and let me know what you think as far as about how long I have to go based on the trichome information I gave you above , that is if I wrote it so you can understand it. LOL sorry, I hope it is understandable.!!!!!!!!
id say go by the sun since that is the most natural light you can get. Ive noticed the same thing with my lighted scope. As the battery loses juice the light turns more orange and its harder to see the true color of the trichs.