Preflower Help!

what do you mean by flowers forming ? you mean the preflowers or those little waterdrop looking sacs that has the white hair coming out of it on the female or actual growth of the tricholmes? thanks, BB2112!
the little teardrop ones with the little white hairs on them are preflowers. once the tops start pushing out a lot of white hairs then its time to start the flowering nutes.
outdoor is a bit different in that you dont control the lighting. I switch ferts shortly after I switch to 12/12.
I have never seen them that long or that white, maybe it's just the picture butthey are very white, Mine on my plant are a mixture of white black and light green hairs I don't know if they start out green and then go to white and then to black or any version of those but this plant is very different then any other's I have had! Thank You, BB2112!!!
P.S. Did you see all the pictures I posted on the page before on page 26? If you could please check them out and let me know what you think. I definetely have the hairs in the clusters but whether they are white like the ones you showed me on that picture is a different story, as I said mine are a mixture of colors but definetely female flower hairs . So I just started to give here the bloom nutes yesterday!! Thanks, Let me know what you see on the pics, If you recognise the strain by the looks and how you think the buds will form? They look very different than last years and I can't imagine what the buds will look like I am only curious not worried that there is anything wrong with the plant! Thank You, BB2112!!!!
there is no way to tell strain from the pics, all i can say is that the plant looks indica dominant which means its going to be more bushy with broad leaves. I dont know why your hairs are all different colors. My plants push out white hairs which turn red then brown as the plant ages.
yeah! The hairs are starting to turn white, exactly like the pictures of that you sent me of that plant at 4 weeks they are starting to come out from the center of the clusters and are now growing above the leaves and are turning a very bright white. Well Thank You again for all ther help you always have very good knowledge about this subject and have been a very big help. Thanks, BB2112!!!!
I just wanted to inform you of a few ew things that have happened since i last wrote you! the white hairs have turned from white to greenish white more green than white, then around in in between the hairs is a mixture of small leaves (sugar leaves maybe) but they are a very dark color purple at the tips and they turn green near the bottom where they disapear into those clusters in the picture that i am attaching these clusters of small regular leaves make up what are going to be the buds they already have thre tricholmes all over them and on the rest of the whole clusters or flowers and these clusters are forming or growing very close together up and down the colas and it looks like if it keep going this way the buds are going to be very dense and very thick and round as to where last years harvest was smaller in diameter and probably shorter as it looks now. I am not worried about either of the plants just very curious as to what i have and I don't know if you can see the color of purple in these pics but I have seen them under a loupe magnifying glass and they are very clearly purple on the tips and get green as they get down to the bottom of the leaves and the leaves are not the smaller pot leafs they are very thick and look football shaped maybe and very pointed at the end that sticks up and that part that sticks up is colored purple. if you look with the naked eye you can see a dark color mixed in with the white and green hairs but if you use a loupe mag glass you can see a very dark purple color on the tips of all the ones at the top of the plant and the ones that see the sun the most or i guess the most mature ones the others are still mostly white hairs and the leaves haven't started growing in some of the clusters yet just the hairs!!! So all i want for you to do when you have some time (no hurry's) and let me know if you have seen or heard of this purple color and what does it mean? I have never seen it before except in maybe a magazine but i wasn't really growing or paying much attention to what they were called (the strain or whatever they callled the plant) the plant grows very straight up with branching off into other colas but those also grow straight up not very branchy like last years they were very branchy and went all different ways these grow very straight up and very thick stems or colas even at the top were the clusters sit last year the top of the plant was very thin and got thicker as it grew but these grew thick all the way up and were never thinner even when they were not maturing! So see if you can see any darker color changes in the middle of these two pics and if you know anything about them please let me know!!! I want to know if i may have something awesome or in between or bad to where i shouldn't spend a lot of money keeping them pest free ! That neem oil is 25.00 dollars for an 8 oz bottle of azamax and it only made about 6 gallons and when you spray it on the plant you are supposed to cover it very well and then when you add it into the soil to make the plant healthier and also keeps the pests from eating it and binds up their digestive systems so they starve i guess is how it works, has been working very good as a pest control that weras off in 10 to 14 days so I spray it every 11th or 12th day, So i don't get much out of my 25.00 dollars except that it works but I have to keep buying it and if it is going to be a lousy harvest i won't use it and take my chances on that plant and I still will use it on the clone from last year that turned out to be a very strong plant. So I want to keep that clean and nice!!!!. It has kept everything away so far and I am sure that there are not as many pests around in the colder weather around here like I don't see any butterflies or aphids or catepillars or even eggs for that matter. the plant looks like I grew it indoors very clean and nice looking and very healthy. So if you can tell me anything about this plant I would appreciate it very much, if not that's fine I am just curious, I can see the difference in color because I know what I have seen in the loupe magnifying glass but you may not see it because I couldn't get very close and keep it focused so I just did the best I could about 5 inches away from the plant, If you could just give me your honest answer like you did always I would appreciate it and if you don't know then you don't know not a big deal again I am just very curious to know what I have here!!!! THank You, So Very Much, whenever you get the time, no rush!!! take care, BB2112!!!! you can see a change of color on the 2nd pic but it is hard to tell exactly how purple it looks the 1st one is pretty blurry!!!Picture 178.jpgPicture 179.jpg
Your plant looks wonderful, and i deff would keep up with the neem oil as long as it doesn't break the bank. Purple could be a few things. Most of the time it's just genetics, sometimes it could be a phosphorous deficiency or it could be due to the changes in temperature from day to night. From the looks of your plant, I don't think its nute deficiency.
A lot of the time, when I plant a new seed, the first few sets of leaves are VERY purple on the undersides, but then it grows out once the plant gets a little bigger. Purple highlights and leaves are normal. You'll see more purple with lower temperatures. The little football shaped leaves are an expected part of bud growth. It also sounds like you are going to get a lot of dense nuggets and minimal popcorn growth this time around, which is what seems to be the biggest difference from your big plant last season.
Picture 180.jpgPicture 182.jpgThank You for answering I got a few daytime photos that show it better, Yeah like i said she looks fantastic as far as health . I have just never seen this before it is hard to get a nice good focus close up , then it would be easier for you to see what I see? Thank You, BB2112!!!!


I Picture 180.jpg
Your plant looks wonderful, and i deff would keep up with the neem oil as long as it doesn't break the bank. Purple could be a few things. Most of the time it's just genetics, sometimes it could be a phosphorous deficiency or it could be due to the changes in temperature from day to night. From the looks of your plant, I don't think its nute deficiency.
A lot of the time, when I plant a new seed, the first few sets of leaves are VERY purple on the undersides, but then it grows out once the plant gets a little bigger. Purple highlights and leaves are normal. You'll see more purple with lower temperatures. The little football shaped leaves are an expected part of bud growth. It also sounds like you are going to get a lot of dense nuggets and minimal popcorn growth this time around, which is what seems to be the biggest difference from your big plant last season.

I just wanted to ask you a question about the plants now the one is now almost all purple and in great health and the buds are definetely forming but when is harvest time when you do a grow at the time that we started? Back when You had the males and had to start over so from there on approx when would harvest time be? One reason is these plants are budding much different than the last harvest and How will I know it is time ? by the trichomes? when they are like the last plant about half cloudy and half amber? Thank You,. BB2112!
Here are some pictures of the plant I was asking you about abovePicture 298.jpgPicture 299.jpgPicture 300.jpg also I have another plant a clone off of that plant in the pictures it is about 3 feet tall and it has 4 main colas or braches that split off in the middle and my 2 year old son pushed the branches apart and it split right in half, I saw him do it so I ran and bought some string for tying up vine type plants and tied the two branches back together and it is still growing and it is starting to grow over the string . the question is will it heal and keep growing or after it grows over the string will it just snap off and die? the side that is going to be separate from the plant? Also the stakes in the ground are there on that plant in the pictures because we got alot of rain in two days and then alot of heavy wind and it knocked the plant over and so i drove the stakes way down into the ground and tied it back up into place and filled in the soil were it fell over and it is doing fine and i just left it there because we are expecting more rain and it seems to be doing fine nothing on it died so i guess all the roots stayed in place! Thanks, BB2112! Picture 301.jpg
youll know just like the last one, by the trichomes. that technique will work for every plant no matter what strain or season. It takes me three months (one month veg, two months bud) to go from seed to harvest on a small indoor plant. Not half amber. Some clear, some cloudy and barely any amber is the best time for max potency. Amber means the THC has broken down and starts to lose its medicinal properties.
if youve tied it up properly, the broken branch should heal and keep growing. Dont let the rope grow into the plant, adjust it until the branch can support itself again. Some people actually intentionally bend their branches and let the plant right itself, its called supercropping.
ok, that sounds familliar with what you told me last time. I just couldn't remeber exactly what you said except that if they were all amber it would be less potent!!! Thanks Can you tell what strain the plant is by the way it is forming it's buds or the color? I am very curious as to the origin or the strain that i have here but you still think it is an indica? Correct? Thank You for answering so quickly. take care! How are your plant or plant going is that it on your picture or profile picture? I notice if that is your grow it is in dirt not growing the other way? Hydroponically? not you current picture but the one that was on there a few days ago? BB2112!!!!!!
if youve tied it up properly, the broken branch should heal and keep growing. Dont let the rope grow into the plant, adjust it until the branch can support itself again. Some people actually intentionally bend their branches and let the plant right itself, its called supercropping.

Ok! So am supposed to have tied it up but I am not supposed to let the string grow into the outer part of the strem or grow over the string? how long do you think it will take before it can hold it's own weight and remeber it is now about 3 1/2 feet tall and very busgy and almost all the branches or colas are pretty heavy so I think it has been a few weeks now that it has been tied up, How do I find out if it has grown back enough so it will hold up and not crack off or break off in the same place? Also you told me that you were bending your branches down but you aren't supposed to bend them to the point of breaking are you? I think you showed me a picture of your plant tied down once on the last grow that turned out to be a male? maybe maybe not!!!!! The plant is growing the same as it was before it broke so I guess it is getting all it's nourishment and it is growing just as fast as the other side that didn't break! So if you know please let me know what i should do or how long to wait till i can untie it and see if it will hold it's weight and not break off? It was only held on by the outside coating like the bark of the branch so I tied it up almost 10 minutes after it happened. I was very surpriosed not to see the plant drouping when i woke up the next day ! I said wow maybe i got lucky and it will grow back and i am glad to hear that it should!!!! Thank You, BB2112!!!!!!
thank you!!!!!! Very much i was affraid i was going to have to just untie it and let it die!!!!!! Great news!!!!!! C-ya!!!!! Thanks for the help!!!!!!
the one i had tied down was my current female which i have already harvested. I only tied her down cause I don't have very big lights and wanted to take advantage of the horizontal space to maximize light efficiency.
from the pics ur plant looks indica dominent, from that low bushy stance it has.
my profile picture is my very first plant from quite some time ago.
the broken plant should only take a week or so to heal. youll notice a knuckle over the break where the plant has reinforced itself. Just slowly pull the string away while supporting the branch with your hand. If you can feel that its supporting itself no problem you can untie it or you can just leave the string for extra support. It doesnt need to be tied very tightly, its like tying up tomatoes to keep the vines off the ground.
Cool, thanks alot for the advice I will check it out and see how it's doing! I'm so glad I don't have to get rid of that half it was the bigger half of the plant! Thank You, BB2112!!
I just checked her out and I took the green tape that the nursery gave me and the string off and it has a white like repair were it bonded back ogether it actually looks like the sap or something in the plant sealed the branches back together like welding a piece of steel together! very awesom to know! I guess seeing this I could have just stuck the broken off branch in a medium and it would have sprouted roots like a huge clone, is that right or no? These plants are very resiliant, I guess that's why they call it weed!!!! Thanks I really appreciate it for the answeres and help! Take care BB2112!