Preflowers? IDK HELPP +rep

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Active Member
:confused:Ok. So I started 12/12 about 4 days ago. I think some pre-flowers are showing up but I don't really know what they look like. Could someone please post some pictures or what female and male pre-flowers look like. Again I've only been on 12/12 light cycle for about 4 days but i think i have some pre-flowers showing up. All help is welcome! Will post pictures when I can get my camera because all I have right now is my phone and it isn't so good with the little close details! Please help me! Thanks in advance!:confused::weed:
I think what you are seeing are not the pre-flowers yet. Like the other poster said, be patient and wait to see white hairs, two little fuzzy and very white hairs sticking out of a small pod right at the node. Those two green things that stick up are NOT the pre-flowers. With my little grow, one night I was out there examining my plants, not expecting anything and boom! There right in front of me were the much spoken about white hairs. I quickly checked all the other plants and saw them on five of the 8. The other three ended up being males by the way, though I separated them and gave them a chance to show their colours.


Active Member
Umm. Okay. About how much long should i expect to be seeing pre-flowers then since those aren't it? It's already been 4 days. How many more about?


Active Member
Letting a plant grow to maturity is key...if grown for a month and a week youll start to see preflowers....this is a easy way to figure out the sex and after doing it a couple of times there will be no doubts as to the sex of your plant cause it will be very visible for you to see...trying to sex a plant that is 3 or 4 weeks can stress it to turn male...grow on bro!!!!! looking healthy!!!!

jus curious how long have you been in veg?

Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
if grown for a month and a week youll start to see preflowers.....trying to sex a plant that is 3 or 4 weeks can stress it to turn male...
If you can document the above two comments I would love to see that, otherwise this is pure d mis informatin and IMO bullshit

Please stop advising beand new growers of this as they will believe you. I sex plants by putting them under 12/12 of light, I guess i better stop that as it turns them male. LOLOLOL


Active Member
Well thanks all. My plants are 3 weeks old almost and the reason I was trying to sex them is because I just don't want to waste time on potential males. I'm just trying to make sure. I'm not impatient. After they are sexed should I put them back inot veg or let them flower? I want to keep them very small and this is only going to be for personal use so I don't really need an oz. I have 3 plants at 3 weeks old. How much do you think the yield will be if I keep them in flowering after I sex them.


Well-Known Member
its no fun waiting for sex to show. it only gets worste after this. atleast 2 months of flowering >.> why cant someone make a strain done in a week..... good luck hope they show soon.


Active Member
when did i say anything about exposing a plant to 12 12 can turn it male!!! i said putting it into 12 12 too soon can stress to male....what dont you understand...thalboy and i quote "and fuck that i stand firm that sexing a plant early can fuck it right over"....

You said that exposing a plant to 12/12 will turn females into males. You have no evidence of that. Getting angry and spewing non related information doesn't change that.


Active Member
when did i say anything about exposing a plant to 12 12 can turn it male!!! i said putting it into 12 12 too soon can stress to male....what dont you understand...thalboy and i quote "and fuck that i stand firm that sexing a plant early can fuck it right over"....
Lolz. You can stand by your original statement. Its still bullshit until you can prove it.

Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
From SSK
wow 11000 views, maybe you should learn from me!!!

you think you know everything...and you have to be so combative with your info...a mature plant pre sexes and if not mature when put into 12 12 it will take a while to show thas all i was guys are unbelievable!!!! my thread has 11,000 views holla at ya boi!!!!

I will not debate in private. 11000 views obv some like to read biullshit.
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