Pregnancy gift - somebody help me. females take alook!


Well-Known Member
yer so my girl is due any day with our baby. im stuck as what to get her.

she wanted a electrode body thing that u hook up to urself and it helps u lose weight. i found out that her sister has one and is lending it from her.

i was then thinking of a Wii + Wii Fit, but god damn their expensive. trust me to get a 360 an ps3 and not a Wii.

any1 find a cheap deal? or recommend anything else?

cmon females, help me out


Well-Known Member
If you want to go for brownie points, something thoughtful will always go down well. After the baby she'll be very very busy and will get very tired (probably won't get a lot of down time though). If you're aware of her needs and try to take some of the pressure off her I guarantee she will appreciate it. A cute idea is to make her up a book of 'vouchers'... things that she will like. Erm... I don't know what she's into, but for example...

'This voucher entitles the bearer to one free foot massage'. (These are much sought-after in my experience)
'This voucher entitles the bearer to one child-free afternoon with the girls'. (You baby-sit so that she can go out with her sister, mother, friends etc)
'This voucher entitles the bearer to one full night's sleep'. (Your turn to get up to the baby ALL night long)
'This voucher entitles the bearer to (her favourite dessert) served in bed'. (Well, that's up to you) :mrgreen:

Tell her that she can redeem them at any time, and be prepared to do whatever the voucher mentions for her whenever she thinks that she needs. I find that this kind of thoughtful gift is often more appreciated... and can often turn into a whole lot of fun and lovin'.

But that doesn't mean that you shouldn't spend some decent kind of money on her too. After all, the woman is giving you the greatest gift that you will ever recieve... make sure you show her that you understand that. Buy flowers for the hospital, her favourite food (because hospital food sucks), and something pretty (maybe earrings or a necklace... shoes or clothes... what's she like?). Then when you take them home, make sure the house is clean and she doesn't have to do anything. Again... buy flowers... women love them. :mrgreen:

And just generally be receptive to her needs for the next two or three years. If she looks tired give her a shoulder massage. If she's getting stressed, make her a cup of coffee and make her sit down for a while, talk to each other and get her mind off how hard her new job is. That sort of thing. bongsmilie

But beware, that all sounds a lot easier than it actually is. You will have a baby in the house.... :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:

Good luck, smokeh.


Well-Known Member
hey man those were some good ideas^ but no offense the book with vouchers is something kids would give to their mum. I did that when i was 11 years old. But Im not trying to offend u in any way lol.
id get some things for the baby. She would love it.


Well-Known Member
well, she doesnt like flower, although i was still thinkin of spendin a 10er on some for the hospital.

i was thinkin of some kind of voucher like that. i mean, shes got something booked already. one of these photoshoots with all 3 of us.

i guess a spa day kinda thing would be good.

i was only thinking of the Wii fit because she was saying she wants to loose all her weight after the baby and get back to her normal self. i just thought wii fit was fun and helps to keep fit - and i can play it :D

ha, cheers for the advise, ill look into the spa stuff and drive her there.

im omw to pick her up soon. shes being enduced today, so hopefully all goes well.


Well-Known Member
hey man those were some good ideas^ but no offense the book with vouchers is something kids would give to their mum. I did that when i was 11 years old. But Im not trying to offend u in any way lol.
id get some things for the baby. She would love it.

the baby has everything. its supposed to be a present for her. not for her to give to the baby.


Well-Known Member
Day spa sounds really good... very relaxing. Flowers are a must at the hospital, even if she's not that big on them. And gushy-sweet thoughtful stuff will never go out of fashion with most women.

A word of warning... go easy on the losing weight stuff. Sure, she might want to lose weight, but she will not need to hear it from you... :roll:

Now, if she was the kind of girl who liked to workout before the pregnancy, I guess the Wii fit would be ok (I dunno, I'm not into games)... or a gym membership or something like that would be ok too. And most gyms these days have day care too, so she can go while you are at work and not have to worry about the baby.

:evil: ... but don't EVER tell her that her ass is fat. If she asks your opinion, do some quick thinking and say something like 'Not fat, my little honeysuckle, just plenty there for me to love.' Don't focus on her weight, and she'll be more likely to lose it because she'll be more relaxed about it. Just remember that weight gain is normal and it will go away.


Well-Known Member
ha, i said i was gonna get her a gym membership. she said "u do and ur going down, dont dare get me a gym membership"

i think ill stick with a spa day. that gives me time to have a few smokes outside in the car whilst i wait ;)


Well-Known Member
i think ill stick with a spa day.
Yeah that should be ok. A weekend would go down better. One of the sets of grandparents might like to look after the baby if a whole weekend would be too hard for you... :eyesmoke:

that gives me time to have a few smokes outside in the car whilst i wait ;)

and be careful, you might have to put that away for a while too....:evil:


Well-Known Member
i cant smoke in the car when the babys seat is in it,and the baby ofc. im not supposed to be smoking weed full stop.

80mph on the motorway with windows down clears anything :)


Well-Known Member
Yeah that should be ok. A weekend would go down better. One of the sets of grandparents might like to look after the baby if a whole weekend would be too hard for you... :eyesmoke:

that gives me time to have a few smokes outside in the car whilst i wait ;)

and be careful, you might have to put that away for a while too....:evil:
aye, im not smoking after my harvest. :wall:


Well-Known Member
aye, im not smoking after my harvest. :wall:
Bummer man, my sympathies.

Bloody kids... :o:evil::cuss:

Diamonds could be good too, but not very practical on the fingers... she will be dealing with poo and stuff:spew:... yuck... who wants to clean that out of her nice diamond ring. Earrings and necklaces though... they come with diamonds too, sometimes.


Well-Known Member
maybe. its in the idea box. id rather buy her something though otherwise she'll just spend the cash on crap


Well-Known Member not really. its not much of a present is it? she has her own money to spend on crap