Prepaid credit cards


Well-Known Member
how exactly do these prepaid cards work? do you take it to a store to refill it? what info do you have to give?


Well-Known Member
how exactly do these prepaid cards work? do you take it to a store to refill it? what info do you have to give?
They have ones like that called green dot or something.

The best ones are just like a gift card though and you just buy one that has like a 100 dollar limit.CVS and stores like that have them near all the gift cards and shit.The only difference they have from a regular gift card is there accepted anywhere that cards brand is,including online.


Well-Known Member
If I wanted to put more than 100 bones on a card, I think I have to link it to a debit card. Least thats what the woman at Walmart told me yesterday. Ill just use my debit card, not that big of a deal.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
I found that prepaid cards used to purchase anything is a great big fucking hassle...

Cashiers don't know how to use them, and online vendors/retailers don't know why the payment wont go through