Press N Seal for HUMIDITY..say whatt

alright so im tryin sumthin a little at the seedling stage and i have plastic over my soil with a 60 watt light about 8 inches from the top to creat humidity... has any tried this or uses anything similar? let me know


Well-Known Member
Yep, should work fine (60W incandescent?)... once it pops you'll want to use a different light though.


Active Member
There's tons of info on lighting here. If you were expecting to grow using incandescent bulbs you'll be unpleasantly surprised by the cost of the lighting setup you'll need to be successful.
No that is a flowering bulb so to speak use around 6500k per bulb for veg take a look at my setup on my grow journal just your basic setup cost around 50 bucks


Active Member
13 watts is also way, way too little. Like I said, there's tons of info on lighting here just waiting for you to read it.


Well-Known Member
Get the biggest compact flourecent you can find... 40W is a good one... You want 'cool' or 'daytime' bulbs for vegetative growth (they have a more white/blue color), and warm or soft for flowering (which will have a yellow tint).

'Warm white' or 'Soft white' ≤ 3,000 K
'White' or 'Bright White' 3,500 K
'Cool white' 4,000 K
'Daylight' ≥ 5,000 K


Sector 5 Moderator
I agree; incandescent lights do not give off the proper light for plant growth and they are a big energy waste. If you want humidity, just water the plant. I would not fool with plastic film; I'm thinking you will encourage mold growth.