The strongest alcohol I can get is 99% I so or everclear maybe. I have plenty of 91 Iso alreadyrem a freezor in the house only gets to 30f 28f maybe 25f ........we are dropping that 139 degrees to -109f under negivite pressure
The strongest alcohol I can get is 99% I so or everclear maybe. I have plenty of 91 Iso alreadyrem a freezor in the house only gets to 30f 28f maybe 25f ........we are dropping that 139 degrees to -109f under negivite pressure
the denature alch or paint stripperI just plan to use dry ice in an ice chest no alcohol what % alcohol would I need to make that solution?
The strongest alcohol I can get is 99% I so or everclear maybe. I have plenty of 91 Iso already
So just using dry ice is a bad idea it seems like from what you're saying right? And if so where should I get the alcohol.the alc and the dry ice are like a bucket with ice cubes ........but more effective less ice will be needed less time better results as u can never get that reaction with out the alc acting as a fluid to wick away the heat
it never touches the plant material or the oil .......is only acts as a fluid to transfer the heat/cold (same reason why ppl die in cold water in under a min all the body heat is wicked out)
So just using dry ice is a bad idea it seems like from what you're saying right? And if so where should I get the alcohol.
it comes with one 30 micron gasket screen I ball up a coffee filter on the other endThought so good to know I can do that, and you mean a coffee filter or what it comes with 2 filters to use already right?
Where the butane goes I gotcha thanks I saw that on a YouTube video was gonna ask about that!it comes with one 30 micron gasket screen I ball up a coffee filter on the other end
I live in California and it's super hard for me to get anything besides Iso I can get 90 or 95% denatured alcohol maybe from a store like lowes but I think my best bet will be putting the colum in a garbage bag in the ice chest full of dry iceno it works ........it would take 1 or 2 hours with that
the direct contact to the metal would transfer the heat inside the materal .....but it will take longer as u can not cover the whole area u only get the points of contact from the shaving/chips/chunks u use
so if I'm understanding correctly I shouldn't freeze starting material to long because it forms ice crystals which then leaks junk into the oil ? if so at what temp should the starting material be cold at and for how much time?want to warn u that is going to be to long ........the freezing of the materal u are going to form ice crystals on the inside it will come in the oil
dry ice and alc 10/15 mins is all u need any longer u are chancing water in the oil ...5 10 min soak then u let it go
aslong as u get 100% denatured alc the dry ice is going to cool that tube to -109 in less then 2 mins .....seeing that ice layer on the outside means the inside does the same thing with in a few mins (figure 25/35% moisture in the materal) that is like 35% rh
1 hour is way to long
When it forms ice crystals it's the moisture from the material you're blasting which ice crystals break the plant and allow more chlorophyll to be extracted which means more dark color and waxesso if I'm understanding correctly I shouldn't freeze starting material to long because it forms ice crystals which then leaks junk into the oil ? if so at what temp should the starting material be cold at and for how much time?
damn I thought it was the other way around I would freeze my ground up bud put in the freezer over night then soak then blast I'm gonna try a run with room temp materialWhen it forms ice crystals it's the moisture from the material you're blasting which ice crystals break the plant and allow more chlorophyll to be extracted which means more dark color and waxes
I heard about the crystallization of the material by freezing when I was doing a bubble hash run a while back, have you ever considered putting a filter on opening at the bottom to keep waxes from getting through do you think it was affect the yield I saw terpbros on YouTube do it.damn I thought it was the other way around I would freeze my ground up bud put in the freezer over night then soak then blast I'm gonna try a run with room temp material
I had to filter my last run due to blow back and it did produce some clean oilI heard about the crystallization of the material by freezing when I was doing a bubble hash run a while back, have you ever considered putting a filter on opening at the bottom to keep waxes from getting through do you think it was affect the yield I saw terpbros on YouTube do it.
when i washed my material i plan to blast about a month ago i got a 26% yield its a untrimmed bottom nug and larf run, i plan to run some slightly less trichomed material for my first blast in case anything goes wrong lol. i plan to setup and run a little butane through the system before i even blast to ensure its operating fully. i should receive my unit before wednesday and will be running as soon as i get it. my idea is to get dry ice and freeze the butane at while i pack my column and then throw the column in the dry ice for about half an hour so the butane will have sat for a while along with the material, i plan on putting 1 unbleached coffee filter on each end of the unit inbetween the material and gasket meshes that the cloumn have and am planning to soak for a total of 3-5 minutes depending how long it takes me to get the solvent into my column. i will have a 180g unit and plan to try and pack 100g of material for the first blast to get even numbers on my yields. i will be using power 5x butane it has always been my favorite for blasting.I had to filter my last run due to blow back and it did produce some clean oil
so if I'm understanding correctly I shouldn't freeze starting material to long because it forms ice crystals which then leaks junk into the oil ? if so at what temp should the starting material be cold at and for how much time?
I got my first run to fit 88g of dried trim I packed fairly tight but never found myself using to much force. I got a 12g return on the 88g so far as it's not fully purged but was stable enough to handle and weigh after the muffining and piling together.@Kodakle I bought the 180g cc pressurized extractor from best value vacs. I do not smash my material down when I pack it, just a light push to keep any large pickets of area out that would not have bud in it.
I have yet to get more than about 65 grams of dry material in my tube, and that's with leaving the tapered end on.
I wish I would have went larger considering I'm getting 1/3 the volume I expected. Just letting you know!
Dude thanks for the coffee filter thing my first run it saved me wasn't being careful enough and had a little blowback but no material came out luckily. I just got around a 12-14% yield on my first run of 88gI had to filter my last run due to blow back and it did produce some clean oil