man, you guys are supposed to be potheads, yet you have absolutely NO sense of humor whatsoever.I admit i did post that link in a thread u was askin a question in about the Cooltube, and yeah, im sorry for that, but other than that, u need to fuckin lighten up. N i rickrolled ALOT more people than that 7th, so why dont you go waste some more of your life searching for some more shit that i did. msdsm thanks for that negrep too.
Once again, for a group of people that are supposed to enjoy a good laugh, your pretty fuckin lame sons of bitches. N call me whatever the fuck you want, i still laughed my ass off when i saw the both of you get all butthurt about a fuckin rickroll, dumb sons of bitches
Get a fuckin life. RIU is cool, but its not ALL about being serious. Try and have some fun in your life, ESPECIALLY while your in here. Youll fuckin die young and extremely BORING if you dont learn to laugh every now n then. It wasnt done out of maliciousness, it was done to get a laugh out of people, WHICH IT DID - i actually got somethin like 30 rep points over night, lol. You two seem to be the only people that are physically butt-hurt over the whole ordeal. Now run along back to your big, serious lives. wouldnt wanna disturb your world, someone might laugh n ruin everything for fucks sake.