pretty interesting


Well-Known Member
Been doing research on lsd purity and came across this. It is Erowid's view on lsd purity, going against the "lsd bible" (The bible states that lsd purity has nothing to do with the overall experience, or feel to the trip.)

I thought this was an awsome metaphore describeing the difference between high quality acid and "regular" acid.

It also states that many older cats think acid is acid because this was so in the 60's but by the mid 70's acid quality declined.

To illustrate the capacity for discriminating between drug quality and other variables I offer the following metaphor: Think of LSD as a window through which you look into a different world. Your position relative to the window, and what is on the other side represents set and setting. The clarity of the window represents the quality of the drug. Now your position and the scene outside the window can change dramatically, but reguardless you are still capable of perceiving the clarity of the window. Moreover, if you had never looked through a window before, and you were given a cloudy one to look through and told it was LSD, you would have no reason to doubt its authenticity because you have never had the experience of looking through a clear one.


Well-Known Member
i agree. it has helped me to learn and understand things that i would never have known. i think of it as a sacrement that we use to open our minds and think freely. without it alot of people would be lost.


Well-Known Member
i agree. it has helped me to learn and understand things that i would never have known. i think of it as a sacrement that we use to open our minds and think freely. without it alot of people would be lost.
Do you also agree that purity contributes to a change in overall quality of the experience? Could you get the same experience from "silver" grade lsd if you did enough to equal the dose of "white fluff" or "pinpoint" grade lsd?


Well-Known Member

Do you also agree that purity contributes to a change in overall quality of the experience? Could you get the same experience from "silver" grade lsd if you did enough to equal the dose of "white fluff" or "pinpoint" grade lsd?
You pose an interesting question..

All I can say is, from the many acid trips I've embarked on with varying dosages, none of them (that I can recall) seemed to be as clear and crisp and utterly intense as the Fluff with three blotters. Coming from me, that is saying A LOT. I've probably done too much LSD for my own good ;) Maybe I'm getting older now or all the acid I used to get was mediocre, but no dose I ever ate was quite as 'clean' and completely consciousness enveloping (or expanding) as the Fluff..

Hopefully some of our resident chemists will chime in soon..


Well-Known Member
You pose an interesting question..

All I can say is, from the many acid trips I've embarked on with varying dosages, none of them (that I can recall) seemed to be as clear and crisp and utterly intense as the Fluff with three blotters. Coming from me, that is saying A LOT. I've probably done too much LSD for my own good ;) Maybe I'm getting older now or all the acid I used to get was mediocre, but no dose I ever ate was quite as 'clean' and completely consciousness enveloping (or expanding) as the Fluff..

Hopefully some of our resident chemists will chime in soon..
your making me smile and feel hot with anticipation cannbis thank you.


Well-Known Member
you dont have to be a chemist or student to want to explore ur mind. i think of it as a way that we can learn from ourselves. and i dont go for the whole good cid bad cid dosage thing. i think its better to pace urself hit by hit and find ur perfect spot.


Well-Known Member
you dont have to be a chemist or student to want to explore ur mind. i think of it as a way that we can learn from ourselves. and i dont go for the whole good cid bad cid dosage thing. i think its better to pace urself hit by hit and find ur perfect spot.
Im just saying that most chemists would surely share our interests. share some more about your views on lsd purity


Well-Known Member
Also the argument it quality of effects, not quantity. The person that wrote the article stated that lsd that contained impurities would produce more of a "mindfuck", where the white fluff, or pinpoint was a cleaner buzz. So either way you would have to judge your dose of unknown ug's hit by hit.