Pretty sure a 150 Watt HPS can do it...


New Member
I plan on using a 150 watt hps throughout my first apartment grow attempt. It will be a 150 watt Floralux HPS with an Agro bulb (more blue light) for vegging and a regular hps bulb for flowering. With the low heat i plan to keep it 8 to 10 inches away from the top of the plants (which i plan to top and LST).

My question is will this 150 watt Hps (16000 lumens) give off enough light to support two plants in a 16inch D by 16inchw by 48 inch H area and produce decent buds?

I think so.


New Member
i have a 150w HPS n i use it to flower two big plants right now, but i also use 4 cfls for side lighting giving me 254watts of power..


New Member
yeah i'm planning on getting a 150 HPS conversion bulb for my MV 175 watt ballast, and i'm gonna do a mini scrog with 6 plants. i have a friend with a 200 watt HPS who has 8 plants flowering right now that are about 2 feet tall, so i'm sure that you will get a great yield off 2 plants with a 150 watt.

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
I plan on using a 150 watt hps throughout my first apartment grow attempt. It will be a 150 watt Floralux HPS with an Agro bulb (more blue light) for vegging and a regular hps bulb for flowering. With the low heat i plan to keep it 8 to 10 inches away from the top of the plants (which i plan to top and LST).

My question is will this 150 watt Hps (16000 lumens) give off enough light to support two plants in a 16inch D by 16inchw by 48 inch H area and produce decent buds?

I think so.
Light penetration is a big factor

If you use a 150 watt you want to keep the vegetation within a 12" depth.

A 250w will give you 4" more depth, so if you grow a 2' plant and the bottom 8" is bare stem you're fine.

Either one you'll want to do LST all the way through.


New Member
wow...amazing chart... i am def gonna LST these plants now...

In my area,

8.5 inches taken by the pot/soil
7 inches taken by hps/chain
6 inches is taken by proper heat distance from plant

out of 48 inches this leaves me 26.5 inches to work with so i think LSTing be perfect


Well-Known Member
Tube fluoros are good to 2 feet in height. Then again they can get a lot closer to the tops. Green Cross's numbers are about right, sans reflector, but who uses a light without a reflector? With a decent reflector those measurements are easily doubled.

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
wow...amazing chart... i am def gonna LST these plants now...

In my area,

8.5 inches taken by the pot/soil
7 inches taken by hps/chain
6 inches is taken by proper heat distance from plant

out of 48 inches this leaves me 26.5 inches to work with so i think LSTing be perfect
You might also want to consider growing some dwarf auto-flowering strains.


New Member
if you pepper in a few cfl bulbs on the sides for filler, LST'ing wouldn't be completely neccesary, but then again, if you peppered in a few cfl bulbs and LST'd, you'd probably get a pretty stellar yield.
sorry to but in guys i am new to this and was wondering what "lst" means.
LST "low stress training" is when you carefully bend down and tie the top branches to allow light on the lower part of the plant. In doing so, instead of one main cola you can get two, three or more. In my case I want one HUUUGE cola off of the auto blueberry ! She'll be short and sweet I hope !