

Well-Known Member
damn is it really? i dont think it is here but i would still do it because it is illegal on their side to not to tell u. thats weird how its illegal lol:joint:
it's a very fine and grey line over here but basically if the pigs are actively "helping" or "aiding" u commit a crime in order to arrest u they can't do it!!

it becomes a grey area when they use decoy cars,with cameras and surveilance inside, in oder to "crack down" on car theft.
the argument here is "if the car the pigs put there wasn't there, the crime wouldn't be commited". yes another car probably would get knicked but the crime they get arrested for, knicking the cops car, is down to the police.
having studied law for many years, and yes it IS a fucked up topic :lol: , many cases like this have been thrown out of court on that basis.
as have cases with dealers being busted when pigs have posed as buyers or other dealers and also wen lady pigs pose as hookers so they can arrest ppl for soliciting.but that's an entirely different kettle of fish cos prostitution, in itself, is NOT illegal either.
Fucked up???? maybe but our laws are a little different to america.
you constitution says what u guys CAN do. our law system works the other way round. we can do what we want unless laws say we can't. the beauty of this system is it's easier to amend and is therefore more flexible.
the only down side is there are still some really fucking funny laws that are technically still in force as they have never been favourite being:
u can still legally kill a welshman as long as it's on a certain date (not telling u the date..just incase.sorry.lmao), its in the grounds of worcester cathederal, it's with an english long bow and from EXACTLY 10 yards.
you wouldn't get away with it but the laws still there.!! lol

mmuuuwaahahahahaha what a great country lmao


Well-Known Member
well the clue i got was the prostitution so i would guess in Las Vegas but u said another country lol im not that good with what goes on in other countries but that sounds pretty crazy. are u talking about a welshman? if so i have no clue where they are from monkeyboy hahaha


Well-Known Member
well the clue i got was the prostitution so i would guess in Las Vegas but u said another country lol im not that good with what goes on in other countries but that sounds pretty crazy. are u talking about a welshman? if so i have no clue where they are from monkeyboy hahaha
lmao. well....monkeyboy :lol: will make it easier for u.
we're VERY east of u and virtually (and unfortunately :lol: )next to the cheese eating surrender monkies. that's the french btw lmao


Well-Known Member
hahaha oh thats cool bro. i had no idea where u were talking about. but thats some pretty cool shit to kno about. im in the U.S. of course :/


Well-Known Member
England, isn't there another one about it being illegal to eat a chocolate bar on the bus? OOPS...if thats the case i'll start running now coz surely a repeat offender will be in worse shit lolol :mrgreen:
actually,hardly ne1 uses public transport cos of the smell of piss!! lmao