Prices in texas SUCK!

Not all classic rock bands were men in tights and make up........I don't think ZZ Top ever wore makeup. Lol.
I'm not talking about how they brought that up.......I'm talking about listening to music instead of filthy talking rappers that don't actually sing a note.
Let's end this's obvious we will never agree.
I think you’re a little outta touch
I think you’re a little outta touch
I guess you didn't like my "can we end this" request.
I admit I'm out of touch.........I'm 71 for christ's know any 71 year olds that like rap?
I could have said the same thing about my parents in is generational.
I guess you didn't like my "can we end this" request.
I admit I'm out of touch.........I'm 71 for christ's know any 71 year olds that like rap?
I could have said the same thing about my parents in is generational.
My bad man. I didn’t realize we were that far apart in age. Enough said. My apologies :peace:
Not all classic rock bands were men in tights and make up........I don't think ZZ Top ever wore makeup. Lol.
I'm not talking about how they brought that up.......I'm talking about listening to music instead of filthy talking rappers that don't actually sing a note.
Let's end this's obvious we will never agree.
I don't give a shit what they wear as long as they rock.

And don't fuck with Dre.
Selling marijuana is still illegal in recreational states.

People in recreational states don't know the prices of black market drugs unless they are involved with the illegal activity pertaining to it.

Seems suspicious that you are asking others to admit to buying or selling drugs illegally for a certain price.

Look online at dispensary webpages if you are interested in the prices in those states.
Why is everyone so paranoid about some weed? It's not explosives and guns. It's WEED. I'm seeking knowledge. It's better to know than NOT to know. I can understand if you don't wanna risk your business if your a large scale grower in a rec state that can't afford unwanted eyes on their operation. The entire point of this was to gather price information that's all. Maybe even meet some cool people as I am a bored lonely ass dude
I been in Tx Since 07...That said...You need to GROW.
-Mouth Shut.
-Solid Seeds
_Real Skills.

I have been offering to grow $500 a 4-6oz plant.
I know anything over a QP is a felony Here...
I got popped in the Obama/Trump Shuffle When Greg Abbott Passed the CBD law...
I reach out to GreenPoint Back when CherryWine was brand new...That shit blasted all 3 of the companies the won the $500k SPOT.

I Had 25% their 2-7%
DEC 28th I was taken into custody next door to the Dept of Motor Vech. ...That was where entries were suppose to go to the state.
Trump took office. My grow was down. Sessions Made his anti Cannabis Statement... I was in county...
They had 7 squads & a helicopter at My arrest...& caught me with 7 grams...

I was in court from Jan 3rd to June 17th...The FBI was falling apart in 2017...
I had UnderCover DEA at my court dates...With a public defender.
I repeatedly requested that They TEST my product...They refused,,,Blocked & "Barred" My conviction & released me..
5 days later, I saw the 3 companies that won the CBD service spots in TX...lower Front page news. Right at My door...
I dont even get the paper

That poor kid that had a couple Dabs on his way back from Cali...I dont even know if He has seen the light of day...That was back in 2015.
That said...

I respect The Hustle...but FUCK a LB.
QPs are a Misdemeanor...
All MY street guys know...280/140 a zip...560 retail.
I have been under the radar since 2007...
This State was top tier for FLIR...
I have been HOT as FUCK in Tarrant & Dallas...

I have put enough time in to be an UnderGround BEAST...
I know enough people in the UnderGound to walk My talk.

Why is everyone so paranoid about some weed? It's not explosives and guns. It's WEED. I'm seeking knowledge. It's better to know than NOT to know. I can understand if you don't wanna risk your business if your a large scale grower in a rec state that can't afford unwanted eyes on their operation. The entire point of this was to gather price information that's all. Maybe even meet some cool people as I am a bored lonely ass dude
I'm not sure anyone is paranoid... I think it's more that it is specifically against the rules of this website to engage in any buying/selling/trading of controlled substances. you might not like that, but you are risking a ban. if you enjoy it here I would suggest cooling it. if not, you do you boo.
I been in Tx Since 07...That said...You need to GROW.
-Mouth Shut.
-Solid Seeds
_Real Skills.

I have been offering to grow $500 a 4-6oz plant.
I know anything over a QP is a felony Here...
I got popped in the Obama/Trump Shuffle When Greg Abbott Passed the CBD law...
I reach out to GreenPoint Back when CherryWine was brand new...That shit blasted all 3 of the companies the won the $500k SPOT.

I Had 25% their 2-7%
DEC 28th I was taken into custody next door to the Dept of Motor Vech. ...That was where entries were suppose to go to the state.
Trump took office. My grow was down. Sessions Made his anti Cannabis Statement... I was in county...
They had 7 squads & a helicopter at My arrest...& caught me with 7 grams...

I was in court from Jan 3rd to June 17th...The FBI was falling apart in 2017...
I had UnderCover DEA at my court dates...With a public defender.
I repeatedly requested that They TEST my product...They refused,,,Blocked & "Barred" My conviction & released me..
5 days later, I saw the 3 companies that won the CBD service spots in TX...lower Front page news. Right at My door...
I dont even get the paper

That poor kid that had a couple Dabs on his way back from Cali...I dont even know if He has seen the light of day...That was back in 2015.
That said...

I respect The Hustle...but FUCK a LB.
QPs are a Misdemeanor...
All MY street guys know...280/140 a zip...560 retail.
I have been under the radar since 2007...
This State was top tier for FLIR...
I have been HOT as FUCK in Tarrant & Dallas...

I have put enough time in to be an UnderGround BEAST...
I know enough people in the UnderGound to walk My talk.

This native son says Texas sucks the hot hard one. Best thing I’ve ever seen was Texas in my rear view mirror.