I'm for getting government out of my life. A plant should not be illegal, AND we should have freedom from coercive taxes.
It is ironic that a plant, formerly designated as "evil" would now be taxed. So what makes it "no longer evil" ? The fact that government has designated it so, or the fact they will rake in your tax dollars?
Albeit, practically speaking the likelihood of any legalization is via the "legalize and tax" scheme under the present form of government. It seems like government is only interested in giving you freedom of your body if you pay them their bribe money. While "freeing the weed", we will be expected to give up our wallets? There's a word for that type of coercive behavior, it's called extortion.
Isn't "legal and taxed" revealing as to the true nature of government? It will be interesting to see how they set up and enforce their new tax extortion system and generate fines from people "growing without permission". Redefining freedom...it's what government does.