Prison brownies..Friend or foe.....


Well-Known Member
So everyone knows deaths related to brownies in prison are now at an all time high. Chances are if you got a brownie in prison you are 10x more likely to be stabbed for that brownie then if it was some crack........

I am starting a commity agianst prison browns called PBKP(Prison Brownies Kill People) we are going to ban brownies and demand they give nutty butties insted of these highly addictive brownies....


Well-Known Member
I am starting a commity agianst prison browns called PBKP(Prison Brownies Kill People) we are going to ban brownies and demand they give nutty butties insted of these highly addictive brownies....
sign me up! but i want to try a brownie b4 we ban them, they must be some good shit!


Well-Known Member
Pass me whatever you have in that bong. bongsmilie:mrgreen:
Skunk Kush.......Grow your own brotha!! If you where here id let you for real....

But honestly this is no "chicken noodle soup, chicken noodle soup with soda on tha side" bull shit....... I say we even outlaw Brownie papper towles for using the addictive substance consisting of coco and sugar..... It has been proven by many experts including us at PBKP inc. that it can and will cause people to rape underaged children and feed them cotton candy....