Privacy when ordering HPS lights


Active Member
is it possible if i order from ebay an HPS loighting system with tent. that the company can rat me out? bc they know my adress?


Active Member
im not really high on order lights from overseas and have big boxes cleary customs. im from canada. the company i found on ebay is from cananada. They are called hobby lighting.


Well-Known Member
Hmmm...I would say that worrying about something like that is more likely to get you know what the easiest way to arouse suspicion is? Acting suspicious...act like something is nothing and more often than not other people also act like it's nothing...


Active Member
well fuck me.. i already asked them like 3 questions about descreet shipping. like would it have theyre company name on it. ect. they say the boxes are blank brown boxes but theyre company name will be on the shipping label. also i wont be home when it is deliverd. im in a small town so it will most liekly go to the post office. in a small town. i worry about that. bc big boxes. coming from hobby lighting.. hmmm. idk


Active Member
thanks great white. im really tryn not to order lgiht like that, that will cross the boarder. thats more heat to me than anything. bc they will most likely open 2 big boxes coming thru.. an hps light, and a grow tent. lol. nice. and they have my adress.. not good


use a local electrical wholesalers nearbyfor the lighting for the tent go to a local builders merchant for the materials and build your own tent


Active Member
i did.. i found a local ebay company. called hobby lighthing. there pricing is wicked. there from my province too. im just worried bc they have to know with all my questions that im growing marijuana. will compnies tip off the cops tho?


Active Member
bump.. anyone know if companies when u buy lights tip off the cops? if they think u cought it for the purpose of growing marijuana?


Active Member
If every company called the cops when someone bought a tent and a light how would they make any money? Thats stupid your too high right now lol.


Active Member
haaha im actually sober at work. thats prolly the problem. im just worried bc i asked them a number of questions about descreet shipping. ect. so they prolly know 100% im buying it to grow weed.. thought maybe if they know what the purpose is. they could give a tip. u never know. thought id ask. simma down pimpn


Well-Known Member
Bro. How many ppl are going to spend a decent amount of money on a HPS light and then only grow tomatoes? 99% of their business is marijuana growers. I know I am not going to buy a grow tent and shit to grow any thing else... If they reported any of their consumers to the cops their business would go down the drain... You are stressin way to much. STAY HIGH!!!


Active Member
haha got it boss.. makes sense. i slammed them down 30 bucks.. and was asking all these questions about shippn. thought i was pissn them off. actually correction. i was pissn them off.. ill send em a nice bud courtesy of the geezy... book it