Pro footplayer gets busted with 150lbs and is let out on bond...


Well-Known Member
must be nice to have a free pass in life for everything...
OK, I read it. I don't understand the outrage. He posted bond. It's not as if he was given the Trump deal, where 50 Republican senators all voted to acquit him and just let him go to do more crimes without fear of prosecution.

The former NFL player is going to have his day in court. Is there something wrong with that?

He posted $25,000 bond. FYI:

  • Second Degree Felonies: Crimes include intoxication manslaughter, aggravated assault, sexual assault, robbery, or possession of 50 to 2,000 pounds of marijuana. Bail amounts can be from $2,500 to $50,000.

Bail was set at the mid-range for his offense. So, again, why the outrage?
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