Pro Grow 260 vs. Joyhydrogrow


Well-Known Member
DSC02853.JPG DSC02850.JPG2 plant's just alike cloned , Vegged under t-5's. Put to Bloom on day 51 from cutting. The light on the right is from Hydroponics hut, I have this on Bloom setting. The one on right is a Joyhydrogrow 240w from Ebay/China, a whopping $135.00. Has Bridglux LED's on Full spectrum full time.


Well-Known Member
are you using both setting on your pro grow. i have one and it works better when i flower in flower and veg mode both on at the same time


Well-Known Member
Pro Grow 260 vs Joy Hydro Grow 240 $135

How much was the Pro Grow 260 was $ ?
What is the mounting height for the lights ?

Good luck. Cant wait to see what light wins


Well-Known Member
DSC02880.JPG Here are the GS under Pro Grow and Joyhydrogrow. It is hard to tell but I think Pro Grow is a hair fatter. And then I look again and hmmm, is it. They are at day # 28, they are done by day 51, any longer and it is to strong. These are a fast growing, very hardy stain. They clone super easy, I even did some trimming after starting blooming and it seem like they didn't even slow down. Too bad they are not much for medical value ( except insomnia). Left is Pro Grow.



Well-Known Member
DSC02897.JPG Hello, it is the 35th day of 12/12 and the Pro Grow is feeling like it has fatter Bud's. They still look very close though. The one on the left is the PRO GROW 260, and of course on the right we have a JOYHYDROGROW 240. For the energy that each is using the JOYHYDROGROW is doing better than I though it would, a lousy heat sink real thin aluminum but at only 88w it runs fairly cool. They are supposed to have Bridgelux 3w diodes. They also share a 9w Cree 2700K and a 26w 10.0 Lizard light.



Well-Known Member
Now the GS is @ day 42 of blooming and they are starting to look real sweet. It is too hard to guess witch one will be heavier than the other. I have a 26w 10.0 UVB Lizard light and a Cree 9w light shining across both of them. I rotate them 180 degrees every morning, so I know they get a little of each others light. They will probably be done in 9 day's if they are on schedule. This is the last grow with this plant that I will do most likely. Some of the Thrichomes are getting cloudy and the are very sticky, some fan leaves are starting to yellow. DSC02909.JPG DSC02904.JPG I plan on putting these lights away( might try china light for vegging since it is the cheapest to run) but who knows.



Well-Known Member
I have a joyhydrogrow and it sucks, advertises 300 but the true wattage is a mere The fans are loud as hell and its very small and dim compared to my other 300 watt led panel off of amazon.


Well-Known Member
This one is fairly quiet and runs 88w, I know I won't get another for sure. It is cheaply built so don't think it can put out for very long, who knows though. It does work better than I thought but its nothing close to a DIY unit.


Well-Known Member
Good morning or day or evening, I am reporting final results from these 2 lowlifes. The Pro Grow 260 is crap in my opinion now, the Joy Hydro Grow 240 is a better piece of crap. I got an ounce on the 260 and an ounce and 1/2 off of the 240 side. I had 1 White Widow under a Solarflare 200 for 5 weeks an 2 more weeks under 4 CXA3070s and got 3 ounces. If those crap lights were up to par, I should have gotten at least 4 ounces off of two of those GSs ( I have grown these for about 3 years now). The Chinese light did surprise me a bit, and the Pro Grow disappointed me. I am going to try and sell them now, I have 5 DIYs to grow with now. I'll put my Hans and Solar Flare up away for emergencies. Have a good day:peace:.:weed:


Well-Known Member
I got .5 grams per watt per plant every time at least. CRAPPY LIGHT OR OTHER WISE THATS NOT CRAPPY

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Well-Known Member
I got .5 grams per watt per plant every time at least. CRAPPY LIGHT OR OTHER WISE THATS NOT CRAPPY

Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Rollitup mobile app
Just IMO, I am comparing to my other lights which are much better. Like I said "it's a better piece of crap" I don't think it will last long but for $130 or so it's affordable just not good quality