Pro Help 4 a real amateur/amature


New Member
Hi there to every farmer ! my name is Stu and i live in suuny Scotland lol. Iv'e been smoking since primary school or should i say pre school ? anyway's this was my first attempt at growing so iv'e started with the one plant. Let me explain first of that my friend supplied the seed and from his info it was a white widow auto but as time goes by I am worried that this is not the actual strain I am concerned enough to make an account and ask the great Cannabis community for there wisdom. Let me also point out that i didn't have the first scooby about growing, only that i cut the actual grass 4 the local council :finger:. ye fuck the council but we gotta feed our family right?
well i will try to explain since i am total noob at growing, my plant is about 50days old and its been a bit traumatic. I started off with half decent soil from my papas allotment for the first couple of weeks then i read somwere to put it into veg. I then added some fucking bastard miracle grow pellets , yes shoot me down i realise now after reading alot and alot on forums and what not about these bullshit products and 24 days later i thought it was dead as the nute burn and rot looked awfull. So i decided i had to try save the plant by re potting in a bigger pot and getting those pellets the hell away from my baby. Sorry i don't do numeracy or calculations very well so i went by my own judgement:o Any way i am hoping for some insight to what i'm doing wrong.

my grow stats , as far as i can understand, ..........
Diall cfls 34w=151w=2285 Lumens X 2=4570? in my cupboard , the only air intake is my small fan to cool the cupboard. I should mention that i'm writing this because i'm wanting to be serious about this and am going to get the proper gear tommorow so that i get a maximum yield if possible to do so giving the plants current situation, i feel it dosent look right and i;m worried. if any 1 can help me out and tell me how to post photos i will do so, Thanks Budz ! Stu:leaf: Peace


New Member
Here are some photos that i have on my phone. my real diary is on my GFs phone wich i will upd8 to show you full start to current state. Thanks 4 your help

so that was how it looked. now here are a couple pics P040614_09.54.jpg
Then few days l8trP060614_13.29.jpg P060614_15.01.jpg

this is now moved to a cupboard spaceP080614_17.30.jpg

Sorry i don't put on the dates of photo's but they are no more than 3 days apart each photoP080614_17.30_[01].jpg
2Day ! Please Gurus help me and tell me what I'm doing wrong Thanks!


Staff member
what soil are you using?
do you know your current pH
and whats your temps like


New Member
As this is the first time iv'e grew a plant i haven't bothered about much. You will probably pysl when i say i don't have nothing until tommorow. I am growing blind 2 say at moment. This is because i didn't see much in the fact of growing indoor only smoking it. Now that i have started, iv'e found a new Hobbie/ intrest. ? the only thing i have at moment is a 20/20/20 soluble mix no ph testers or nout ! i'm using rain water mixed with some aquarium water so it's pure guess work until 2moz. Reason i'm here bro !I need some First hand knowledge on what i should be buying 2 morrow apart fro the obvious temp/humid gauge and carbon filt. As i say i'm total noob at this but want to take it serious now. Any helpfull input would be most appreciated. Thanks.... Stu.:leaf::peace:


New Member
gotcha i would say these areas have an extreme amount of information for you, you can than find which suits you best!
Wow! So much to learn so little time lol. I am getting on with this reading and will get back to you. Thanks for your speedy responses ! You are a Legand ! I will upd8 tommorow and if possible let me know what you think... your info and friendliness is valuble ! Thanks Again !:peace::leaf: