Probably a remedial question . .

This may be considered a stupid question, but if you are growing from bag seeds, how can you tell if a plant is Indica or Sativa? I know the difference in how the buds look but none of mine are blooming yet. Do the plants look distinctively different in vegetative phases? Pics would help but anything will help. I'll appreciate any well thought out response.

Pipe Dreamer 420


Active Member
Indica plants have short fat leaves, sativa plants have long skinny leaves.
Indica buds come out shorter but fatter, sativa buds are usually long and skinny.
Thanks luvtogrow and samtheham420,

I will get good seeds once I've messed up enough with these. I will learn on the bag seeds and then apply what I have learned from them to better seeds. I've been reading a lot but I learn much faster by doing.



Well-Known Member
Post how it turns out. I only say that based on my experience with bagseed. A great use for bagseed is to learn to germinate effectively and throw away the sprout. The difference between bagseed and breeder genetics is night/day. But, you can get lucky I'm sure!!! Good Luck. (Also, growing indoors costs$ and makes good seed mandatory) Outdoors is different.