Get them registered as service animals. Duh. Wow. I don't know why people don't think of that. There aren't any guidelines and they can't evict you if there service animals. Look into it. Personally I have more respect for my family then to uproot them from there home over 2 replaceable dogs. My life and my families is more important then 2 adopted dogs...or any animal for that mater. I guess we have different priorities.
Service animals is a good idea, but:
1)I prefer to not teach my son to lie.
2)I would rather teach him that sometimes EVERYONE needs a hand up in life and sometimes you are the person that is able to provide that. Don't EVER look down on someone just because they are down and out, let their actions determine how you interact with them.
3)The love of a boy for his dog(Can't really teach it, but I know it and I see my son does too).
4)Basic responsibilities of caring for another as well as the awareness that someone depends on you other than just you.
5)Patience: the chihuahua is a handful sometimes, but with patience he is already learning.
6)Our family likes to walk in the evenings but sometimes aren't real motivated. Now we are all motivated, including my Type-1 diabetic wife that needs all the exercise she can get as do we.
7)The lesson that it is not always going to be easy to do the right thing. Sometimes you just have to do what is right. And it's not always about "me".

The understanding that, in MOST circumstances, we make decisions as a family and stick together through them thick and thin. I would
NEVER do anything that would endanger my family. Actually, I'm probably one of the more callous, cold, uncaring, unforgiving, murderous SOB's I know IF you are a threat to my family. The chihuahua is a biter, and the whole family knows that I will take a bite from him, but if he gets my wife or son I will bury him with a bullet through his head. (I feel the same way regardless of who or what threatens my family. You just have to know when to act.)
9)Moving from one rental house to another in order to have two "new kids" is a VERY small price to pay since my current/2nd wife is unable to have children. My son has no siblings and my wife absolutely lit up when I told her I wanted to adopt them.
10)I know this is the right thing to do and so does my family. We know that while we may be a little inconvenienced by having to move, it is right and we will be rewarded. Actually, we already have been by their companionship and love. The landlords could do the right thing too. If they choose not to then THEY have chosen to do wrong. Up to 6 months rent-free @ $800/mo. would equal a nice little "bonus" for the family. Either way, we come out ahead.
Thank you for your input, and I definitely agree. We have VASTLY different priorities for our families.