Probation coming up ...


Well-Known Member
just really looking for advice from ppl over the wight of 200 lol

well i weighed 253 now im 239 lol so i feel ur love handled and bitch tit pain lol

ill help u out just because were chubby bros mmmkay?

you'll be fine i suggest running for atleast 3 mins and walking for 2 mins do that for almost 40 mins a day and i swear to shit youll sweat it out and lose a bit of weight its the essayist way to get good cardio in

at first when i started back working out i went 3 mins at 4mph jogging now im running at 6 mph for 5mins and walking for 5 mins

also drink a shitton of water too i have a 1liter sigg bottle and i fill it up with cold ass tap water and i drink about 6 bottles worth which is 6 liters and take water weight pills they'll make ya piss so much you could fill up a dual tank Cummings and gets rid of water weight

so remember water pills and running for 3 mins walking for 2 for a combined total of 40 mins


Well-Known Member
im not trying to be rude or mean, but thc will be stored in your fat, so go run and drink plenty of fluids and you should get it out pretty quick if you dont have alot of fat, if you do... then your going to have to work extra hard for it.


Well-Known Member
if you want to lose weight cut grain and reduce saturated fats from your diet. Eat regularly through out the day. night time if you are hungry pick a snack that isn't full of calories. Ty is bang on with his interval training and freezing cold water (Imo 6 ltrs is a lot of water to consume continuously) be careful not to lower your salt levels in your blood. Other little things like hot pepper sauce on your food will speed your metabolic base level. It is said adding vinegar helps to not store fat from the meal, I don't know how true this is. To clear your piss drink water regularly ( again not too much) you don't want to give them your first piss of the day, I doubt their test will be any more thorough than a prong test ( test strip). So if all else fails get a non user to piss in a latex glove an tie it under your balls ( warmth) the beaker might have a temp strip then piss on the temp strip as well. Maximum 28 days in your system but you can clear in 7 don't lose sleep bro.
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Well-Known Member
Knowing how messed up the USA is, cheating on a drug test might well be a crime itself, I'm fairly sure it is, so if one gets caught using somebody else piss, U be facing another charge for that offense. I've never had to take a piss test--and I'm not sure I ever would--but I think one needs to drop their pants and they look to see if one is using a fake dick to piss with.

I would stick with the detox drinks only and forget about using somebody else piss--besides whos truly drug free now of days, even alcohol will fail the test.

Employment drug tests are not like drug testing for courts


Well-Known Member
Knowing how messed up the USA is, cheating on a drug test might well be a crime itself, I'm fairly sure it is, so if one gets caught using somebody else piss, U be facing another charge for that offense. I've never had to take a piss test--and I'm not sure I ever would--but I think one needs to drop their pants and they look to see if one is using a fake dick to piss with.

I would stick with the detox drinks only and forget about using somebody else piss--besides whos truly drug free now of days, even alcohol will fail the test.

Employment drug tests are not like drug testing for courts
The only way you can fail for alcohol is if you drink right before you go in Alcohol is out of your system in an hour per drink So if you drink 3 beers it'll take 3 hours to get that out of your system. But I spent 5 years on probation and they definitely watch you pull your dick out and piss.


Well-Known Member
guys i must say for the people that actually posted info thanks allot i been stressing alot over this and shit i can't even get a court date lol the clerk wont be back into town till Monday..... im just keep drinking my juice and water and walking/jogging if its not out of my system by then then fuck it the already knew i smoked it by the 2nd court date i should be good, on second note wouldn't my parole officer know i was drinking a detox drank and do they actually work?

this is my 1st ticket and my first time in handcuffs pfft, once probation over im either moving to Colorado or cali .. all this for a gram of bud i didn't know was in my car... pffft


Well-Known Member
I was placed on probation and had been smoking for years daily,my po told me I had to drop in 7 days so I wanted to be clean......I had read that thc stored in your fat cells so I exercised hard,I figured I had to metabolize in order to burn the fat that had thc stored.So everyday when I worked out I made sure I did high intensity work outs that made me burn fat fast.It was not an easy task but when I dropped I was 1 week...... my po and I were both surprised because I had told her I was dirty and how long I had smoked for.So it is possible to get clean pretty fast if you work hard.


Well-Known Member
guys i must say for the people that actually posted info thanks allot i been stressing alot over this and shit i can't even get a court date lol the clerk wont be back into town till Monday..... im just keep drinking my juice and water and walking/jogging if its not out of my system by then then fuck it the already knew i smoked it by the 2nd court date i should be good, on second note wouldn't my parole officer know i was drinking a detox drank and do they actually work?

this is my 1st ticket and my first time in handcuffs pfft, once probation over im either moving to Colorado or cali .. all this for a gram of bud i didn't know was in my car... pffft
There are ones that work and there are ones that don't work I would get one of the ones that come with a drug test with it that way you can see that it works before you go in. I went on probation and I failed my first to drug test and I had to take a Class for it. But the drinks will change the color of your Pee Sometimes they will retest you because of that. But I was on probation for 5yrs I smoke on a daily basis. Except for 3 days before I went in. And I drink a gallon of water each of those days. It does not get the THC out of your system but it flood your system with water to where the THC is such a small amount it is not detected. This works every time if it is a stick test if they send it off to a lab there is no way to really cheat on it besides being clean. The water will make your piss clear you can take vitamin b12 to make your piss colored again.


Staff member
guys i must say for the people that actually posted info thanks allot i been stressing alot over this and shit i can't even get a court date lol the clerk wont be back into town till Monday..... im just keep drinking my juice and water and walking/jogging if its not out of my system by then then fuck it the already knew i smoked it by the 2nd court date i should be good, on second note wouldn't my parole officer know i was drinking a detox drank and do they actually work?

this is my 1st ticket and my first time in handcuffs pfft, once probation over im either moving to Colorado or cali .. all this for a gram of bud i didn't know was in my car... pffft
good luck and best wishes dont over drink water it can actually kill you so be careful


Well-Known Member
shit if you are tripping off 1 gram of weed imagine what i was going through when i got popped with 300 grams of crack
im 24 i have never fkd with anything but weed, i wouldn't start now lol....... but damn 300g's of that .... would get u under the jail in texas -.-

good luck and best wishes dont over drink water it can actually kill you so be careful
good to see you still active sunni :D XoXo and yea ill watch out on the water...

There are ones that work and there are ones that don't work I would get one of the ones that come with a drug test with it that way you can see that it works before you go in. I went on probation and I failed my first to drug test and I had to take a Class for it. But the drinks will change the color of your Pee Sometimes they will retest you because of that. But I was on probation for 5yrs I smoke on a daily basis. Except for 3 days before I went in. And I drink a gallon of water each of those days. It does not get the THC out of your system but it flood your system with water to where the THC is such a small amount it is not detected. This works every time if it is a stick test if they send it off to a lab there is no way to really cheat on it besides being clean. The water will make your piss clear you can take vitamin b12 to make your piss colored again.
this is what im aiming for but i think its impossible, due to wight and other factors but i ant no quieter!