Probation Questions Help Please


Active Member
So I am on probation for 4 years and im on random UA's, which my PO told me literally she could just come to my door and tell me to pee in a cup. Which is pretty ironic because i went on probation last june/july and I havent had a piss test yet. I am a daily smoker, and i have a meeting with my PO on the 17th. help me please, I have meetings every 3 months and never had a piss test yet. So my question Is, "This regular meeting that im having with my probation, what are the chances that I get tested?


Well-Known Member
eh, there's always a chance man.

I live by the motto: 'Better safe than sorry'...

Not worth going to jail over man... not worth it.

Good luck though..



Well-Known Member
get you some flush clean your system out............or buy the pee off the intenet synthtic that is...........


New Member
there is never a way of know if and when u will get a random ua thats why they are called random
i was one before and my po never tested me but on time he went on vacation and i went to report and bam got some hardcore that was taking his case while gone and first thing he does is test me lucky i was clean

so it all boils down to u never know and u need to be prepared everytime u report that way u dont get suprised


Well-Known Member
there's always a chance..ive been on paper since april 2010, and ive only had one UA and that was the first visit..

since im getting close to discharge (hopefully OCT 2011) i dont fuck around with weed anymore..i just smoke that jwh shit..totally gets the job done, and i dont have to stress about pissing dirty..

if you are ever gonna piss dirty and you know it, best to let the p/o know before they test you...and by before they test you i your standing in front of the urinal...if they ever give you the bullshit line "so if i test you right now are you gonna be clean?" by all means say YES!! but if you know for a fact youre gonna get tested come clean...


Active Member
Ha im just gonna stop after today, im gonna workout super hardcore today, tomorrow and the next few days prolly up to the 13th then im gonna start eating fatty foods to put on a lil fat/cal then the day of the meeting/possible test imma drink a shit ton i've done it before but luckily didnt have a test, i was pissin clear for hours, but i know that they would think i altered it i just didnt give a shit then. SO i got some vitamin B pills and i had to do it another time and it was all good still didnt have a piss test but it was colored haa


Well-Known Member
From what I know (or think I know) about weed in your system is that cannabinoids adhere/bond (whatever) to fat cells in your body.

I know heavier people that have gone in for piss tests at 6 weeks clean (not smoking or ingesting cannabinoids), and they still piss dirty.

Myself, I have pissed clean in under 3 wks. I eat garbage fast food 80% of the time but I have an extremely fast metabolism, and have little to almost zero body fat.

I lucked out in that I was never tested by my PO, but I do have to take the tests often because I work in the oil patch. I have had to go into professional health centers and go thru all the steps, and I have had casual conversations with nurses there and learned a fair bit.
I even snuck a synthetic urine belt with heating pads into the clinic once, and passed with it.

More than likely, if you even get tested at all, you are going to get a 5 panel or similar test. It will test for Cocaine, Opiates, Amphetamines, MJ and PCP (never even seen PCP in my 2 decades of drug-dom so why the fuck they test for it up here I have no idea)

More than likely, they are NOT going to pay for a lab test, so synthetic urine could be a workaround. However, synthetic urine, or even frozen clean urine should be within about + or - 1.5 to 2 degrees of typical body temperature of 98.6 degrees.

Some people naturally run hotter or cooler than average, or health conditions may vary the temps, but a variance of more than a degree or two screams out.....test me again, or even fail me.

Another thing to know is that some newer 5 panel tests can now detect masking agents/flush solutions.....I was told this by the clinic lady as she was testing the synthetic urine I just filled the cup with....LOL

Cranberry juice works well to flush your system if you want to speed the process up.

NOW.......all that being said......listen to what some of the others have said......if you can tough it out and go clean, that is the BEST way to keep your ass out of jail.

The stuff I told you should only be considered if you make a mistake or have trouble stopping.

Good luck, and I hope you have as much luck as I did.