problem after flushing continued, with pic.

Yer sounds about right, the flush didnt seem to do the plant well and sounds bad so your just looking to reintroduce it to feeding and the right conditions. You say you transplanted so just leave it be and pray to god!lol! Is the best advice here as anything else might futher the situation, live and learn and hope it recovers. By the sounds of it you have gone from one bad situation to another unfortunatly but new soil that its in should be the best help now. Pics would help but at least some things like water, chlorine and flushing might be altered for the next grow so this situation dosent happen again. Could be the soil needs to dry after overwatering and obviously some problems that happened to cause you to flush need addressing too. Just see how she goes and the other plant is allright yer?

Learning to grow caused me to kill a lot of plants unfortunatly. Peace
alright cool thanks for the help. yeah the other plant is doing wonderful :) i just threw up some pics so hopefully that helps.


Well-Known Member
Yer dude definate heat or light stresses there plus some overuse of ferts to some extent. More things to sort out but congrats on getting this far, should yeild somthing to smoke of them but aint gona be mind blowing.

So have a good think, get some info together and update us in a day or so, lets put these chlorine and tap water problems behind us and see how maybe to sort out any present problems plus details of the grow and pics of the setup. Dont panic just water when the soil almost dries and pot feels light and see how they go, definatly think i see heat issues on some of them leaves to start with but maybe the temps are fine and im mistaken. Peace
hmm, id agree and say its probably heat, just because i dont have a fan in there, but the Ice doesnt have any damage to her leaves. and theyre about the same distance from the light as well. perhaps the overfert occured, but most of this leaf damage didnt show until after the flush. i'll deffintly get everything else set up though, give you guys a good view of what i have goin on :)


Well-Known Member
Yer not bad, still slogging away with the grow and various things, seems like im never off the computer thesedays! What you been upto dude? Peace

same shit different day... you know how that goes. Working on a few new strains, one being MKULTRA and let me tell ya that this strain is the SHIT.. pretties mj plant I have ever seen, smells like bubblegum, smokes smooth as shit and gets you fried off you ass. The best thing about it was I got over 2.5 z's dried off one tiny plant. Sorry OP for getting off subject


Well-Known Member
magnesium def
Newely flowering plants with a mag def, wouldnt be the first time and a good idea, bring on the epsom salts and still those tap water details.

Is the cola thats the worst the one overhanging that ballast as well, stupid point but might be worth relocating that away from the plants and possibly outside the tent. Peace


Well-Known Member
same shit different day... you know how that goes. Working on a few new strains, one being MKULTRA and let me tell ya that this strain is the SHIT.. pretties mj plant I have ever seen, smells like bubblegum, smokes smooth as shit and gets you fried off you ass. The best thing about it was I got over 2.5 z's dried off one tiny plant. Sorry OP for getting off subject
Damn sounds nice, i been growing superskunk and unfortunatly is one big ass plant for a small grow, might have to rethink strain again. Overhauling my grow for some proper lights and cooling at the moment so getting much better results. All my plants smell of grapefruit. Peace
Newely flowering plants with a mag def, wouldnt be the first time and a good idea, bring on the epsom salts and still those tap water details.

Is the cola thats the worst the one overhanging that ballast as well, stupid point but might be worth relocating that away from the plants and possibly outside the tent. Peace
oh thats right, epsom salt. how much should i feed them? every watering with x amount?

and oh.. i guess i should move it outside. i shall.


Well-Known Member
Ask max as i forget, calcium and magnesium have got so complicated these days, i can only base it on your present water levels and ferts, i hated epsom salts as i had calcium problems not magnesium problems. Think it was a level teaspoon to a gallon once or twice then it should be cured basically?? Peace
Newely flowering plants with a mag def, wouldnt be the first time and a good idea, bring on the epsom salts and still those tap water details.

Is the cola thats the worst the one overhanging that ballast as well, stupid point but might be worth relocating that away from the plants and possibly outside the tent. Peace
oh yeah epsom salt. thats right. how much would i be feeding them? x amount with every watering?

and hmm. yeah i'll do that thanks hehe


Well-Known Member
I dont remember good but mix it up as above with the water for the plant and water as usual, do this again the next watering and if a few days later it dosent sort the problem it wasnt mag deficiency. A ppm meter would be more accurate when mixing nutrients like magnesium. Peace


Well-Known Member
I don't really care for epsom salt but to each his own... I think that general organics calmag works the best, I have also used botanicares calmag but didn't like the results. GO's calmag only has calcium and magnesium instead of NPK..


Well-Known Member
To op, just remember that calcium and magnesium work in harmony together and epsom salt is only a source of magnesium


Well-Known Member
To op, just remember that calcium and magnesium work in harmony together and epsom salt is only a source of magnesium
Im totally there with that, i got sensis cal mg for veg and seperate one for bloom (completely overhyped) and not really having any problems either way. My water starting ppm is 50 so i just add my cal mg till i get to 150/200ppm, its got a ratio of like 3:1 calcium to magnesium.

I also see magnesium deficiencies from too much calcium, in a lot of ways excessive calcium can be balanced out with the right levels of magnesium but i would guess only to a certain extent.

See what cal/mag did to me!lol! Peace
hmm you guys are giving me lots to think about. i thought i did my research, but there is just so much information!

i just gave it its first dose of epsom salt, i did slightly less than a tablespoon, and from whta i could tell from reading, a tbs per gallon works.

i figured a little less couldnt hurt.

Now that ive dosed it once, could i go out and buy a cal/mag and use that from now on? i didnt know that they worked so well together.


Well-Known Member
hmm you guys are giving me lots to think about. i thought i did my research, but there is just so much information!

i just gave it its first dose of epsom salt, i did slightly less than a tablespoon, and from whta i could tell from reading, a tbs per gallon works.

i figured a little less couldnt hurt.

Now that ive dosed it once, could i go out and buy a cal/mag and use that from now on? i didnt know that they worked so well together.
This would be largely dependant on whats in your water already, the two generally need to be in a certain ratio against each other to work best, thats what cal/mag supplements are and ppm meters really help out as well as knowing your start water. Get those local water details if you can. Peace


Well-Known Member
I can't believe this thread has gone four pages and nobody has challenged the advice given on the first page to ph the water to 5.5

Maybe whoever said that didn't realise you are in organic soil, but that is terrible advice.
I think most of us just dismissed the bad info at the start!lol!

In fact can you just scratch what I just said about maybe, because looking at your pics on page 3 and I can tell you now you definitely haven't got mag deficiency and you definitely should not put epsoms into your feed.

Without doubt you are suffering as a result of excess N, whether it's come from the food you're using or the medium is too hot, that's what it is.
Read the thread again as hes already flushed and transplanted so i highly doubt he still suffers from excessive nutes but time will certainly tell. Peace


Well-Known Member
Youd just expect the new soil to be fine for the plant and leave it alone, one dose of magnesium will do very little bad so i guess if he just leaves it it will be cool.

'Var', dont hear that word very often thesedays. Peace