problem after flushing continued, with pic.

Plants will store it though and the medium isn't the only thing which you have to sort out once a plant is over fed. It's like you eating too much... take the food away and you've still got what's left in your stomach.

The plant needs to metabolise that excess and when it is burned like that, which can take weeks, especially if it's been flushed and had other things done to it. It's why I don't recommend putting epsoms in. Really they can cause more harm than they'll fix, especially in a medium which is already probably out of whack.If you want to give them you should foliar feed them, but at this stage in flower that;s not really a good idea either.

Treating plants and getting it right is hard for this reason. People sometimes expect results within hours or days, like they'd see in us. Plant physiology is obviously a lot different and you might take a week to see even the first signs of improvement, if at all. In a var which takes 8-9 weeks to complete it's cycle, seeing problems like this at week 5 means you're not going to have a perfect plant come the end, that's just the blunt truth of it.Nothing will "fix" this now. Main thing is to make sure it doesn't get worse.

Take care
Hey porridge, thanks for stopping in. Idk how it could be an excess of N, bc of the facts mentioned by king, and also, I fed my Ice plant just as.much nutes as moby, maybe a fraction less, and she is showing no damage. I'll upload pics tonight for comparison.


Well-Known Member
Dude that is lacking magnesium, you flushed out whatever was in there and now they are starving for it. That is what is causing the yellowing
There is no way whatsoever that is magnesium deficiency.

And if you don't think there is an excess of N, then how do you explain the hooking of the leaves? It's very obviously got an excess of N and just because you fed one var and it was ok, doesn't mean anything in relation to another.

It's classic and obvious nute burn.
A nute burn ? But another flush would be ....? Good? Bad?


Well-Known Member
He might have slightly burnt them in the past (tips of fan leaves) but the yellowing is from lack of magnesium. But go ahead and flush cause this dude knows what he is talking about????


Well-Known Member
im not gonna flush, thanks all.
No problems, i only hope you can take somthing out of all this, leave her now to see what she dose and update in a few days. Look for new growth to be good/green as a sign. Even when mistakes are made they teach us for future grows, try one thing at a time so you can see what worked i.e. try magnesium and wait a week. Good luck
Hello! The next time you water give her 6.6 ph water. Flushing really works - Hey I know I have a large grow. Some people just don't believe in it. It works. Plants will come back if you give them some time. On the second day after I've flushed or ferted I see then how the plant is doing if its had problems. But I wait until she is dry to do anything else. A nicely balanced fert will help when she goes dry. She will recover from the tap water if you just continue to water with 6.6 ph water. All nutrients are uptaken better at 6.6 ph in soil. Don't keep trying lots of things. Good water at 6.6 and a balanced fert.
Hello! The next time you water give her 6.6 ph water. Flushing really works - Hey I know I have a large grow. Some people just don't believe in it. It works. Plants will come back if you give them some time. On the second day after I've flushed or ferted I see then how the plant is doing if its had problems. But I wait until she is dry to do anything else. A nicely balanced fert will help when she goes dry. She will recover from the tap water if you just continue to water with 6.6 ph water. All nutrients are uptaken better at 6.6 ph in soil. Don't keep trying lots of things. Good water at 6.6 and a balanced fert.
hey Gardener, thanks for stopping in.

i'll deffinitly keep giving her a balanced supply of fert and ph'd water :) thanks! i know i said i'd have some pictures up, but its been crazy with work and school right now, i'll deffinitly have some up tonight!

Cheers everyone :leaf:


Well-Known Member
If your gonna flush (which I don't recommend) then your gonna wanna foliar feed your ladies, if you flush and your were having a def then your problem is just gonna get worse cause after flushing your ladies will have NOTHING to feed off of. So thats why you wanna foliar feed
If your gonna flush (which I don't recommend) then your gonna wanna foliar feed your ladies, if you flush and your were having a def then your problem is just gonna get worse cause after flushing your ladies will have NOTHING to feed off of. So thats why you wanna foliar feed
i sprayed them a little with some of the epsom salt water, right as lights go off. I am very curious about flushing now, since all this happened from just one try.

Flushing in soil before a harvest is still good for the regular, average nute fed plant, right? It just wouldnt be a good idea for mine..because i flushed too early?

Or is flushing in general not worth it? im coming up on my harvest in about 20 days, and im about to stop using nutes altogether.

if i dont flush my Moby Dick, should i flush my Ice? she hasnt had any problems, and i havent flushed her at all. i just dont want that "harsh burning smoke" from the nutes if i dont flush.


Well-Known Member
flushing really comes down to how your plants acting, alot of people have defs and think that their overfeeding and flush thus doing more damage. Only time I really flush is my mother plants and thats like every 6 months and not really necessary. If your HEAVILY feeding your ladies with chemical ferts or you have really overfed them then thats the only time you need to flush. If you have decent runoff when watering your ladies then you really won't get buildup that bad. Flushing DOES work but only for certain situations.


Well-Known Member
I have underfed plants and flushed because I thought it would help (not knowing it was underfed) and the next day the plant was completely dead, brown as fuck. And it wasn't just a fluke cause just outta curiousity I did it again and it did the exact same thing. All I'm saying is just be careful when flushing cause sometimes it can hurt more than help
I have underfed plants and flushed because I thought it would help (not knowing it was underfed) and the next day the plant was completely dead, brown as fuck. And it wasn't just a fluke cause just outta curiousity I didn't it again and it did the exact same thing. All I'm saying is just be careful when flushing cause sometimes it can hurt more than help

man thats a tough way to find out. thanks for sharing it with us here max, keeps me from doing the same and losing this girl! i dont think i'll flush before harvest then, for either of the plants. i have pretty good run off and the pots are almost always dry when they wake for theday, so thats reassuring.

no nutes for 2 weeks prior to harvest right?