Problem at week 4 of flowering (White Widow)


Hello every i heard about this forum from a friend and im havin a problem with one of my plants...
Im growing WWs under HPS-600w and am currently in week 4 of flowering..
One of the plants is droopy and i cant seem to find the reason originally i thought i t
was underwatering but its not cause i watered them 2 days ago and now it looks droopy again...
Im using BioBloom plant food and TopMax as a flowering stimulator...
Could it be low nutes ?Its defenetly not over nuting there are no yellow spots of anykind...
Im kinda worried i wouldnt want it to die so far into flowering :cry:
Temps are 27C and RH is 46%...
All comment are welcome...



Well-Known Member
I say water them every day. I have 5 plants in 3 gal. (12L?) containers and I use a gallon on 5 plants (1/5 gallon each) every day.


So i did water how long should it be before i see some improvement ?
Im still worried that it might not be underwatering this is my second grow so
i guess i freak out easily...


I agree they look kinda water deprived..
if you give them a good watering you should see an improvement
in a day or two unless its something else wrong!

Good luck man!


Ok so i did a mini search and the only thing fitting i found out was that my A/C was blowing directly on my plants which suffocates them ?Temps dropped down to 24.5C


Well-Known Member
I have 3.5 gallon pots and if I gave each of my plants a gallon of water my whole tent would be full. I disagree.


Could that be the problem ?Its crazy cause over/underwatering act the same so if i assume its underwatering and its not ill end up overwaterting..


Well-Known Member
Wow and you are using 1/2 gallon every 3 days and you are arguing the under watering issue? Thos bitchs are thirsty bro!!!