PROBLEM.. does this look like a hermie or light burn..



i have another thread for my journal but im banging my head against the wall trying to figure out whats going on..

im about 4 weeks into flower, and my white widows look great... except for the top cola..

the hairs look a little brown and they are no where near as noticable as the side ones ..

im worried that its a hermie.. or hopefully its light burn..

anyways here some pics. found a pretty good camera so the pictures arent that bad.



Kush Pu$her

i dont know what would make u think hermi from the hairs changing, the only way so is if balls start growing too but i dont see that just a burn maybe hairs can die from the heat or being touched whatever but they will heal and i'm sure its still a women


ahh okay..

i just thought it was odd that the bottom of the plant would be getting more hairs then the top.. and the top hairs are just so short..

i kept this grow much shorter then my past ones and the cola looks like its jammed packed with leaves... verrryy condensed... could that have anything to do with it taking longer?


Well-Known Member
def light burn. had it happen before. simply get the lights a smidgin (idk htf thats spelled) away from the top. and dude, you can totally make those plants monsters. they veg so hardy. heres one of mine:
Photo 104.jpgPhoto 105.jpg