Problem: Not sure if flowering or if it's male plant seeds


Active Member
I'm a first time grower and been following tips from this site and been working fine up till now. The pistils started showing and a few days later something weird started happenning. Not sure if it's starting to flower or if it's male plants with seeds. I attached pics please someone tell me whats happening.



Well-Known Member
I agree... male

Also, you need more light. With what you have even if female you would have no harvest.

good luck


Well-Known Member
yep. you have 2 nuts, and a bolt. Throw it out.
And get alot more light on those gals.

You can tell you need alot more light because of how tall, and lanky they look.


Active Member
that is a male. See the little pollen pods between the nodes (aka balls)
yep..wasnt sure with hairs on top if it was male flowers starting up or bud...ty...death to all

can u tell me if this is female in these pics?...i see no balls but i dont see any hairs either..started flowering them the same time about 8 days ago...this 1 seems to be the runt & lone survivor of the group:wall:....please be a girl


Well-Known Member
I can't tell from those pics.

The places you want to look are bewteen the branch nodes.
If you can get a close up (and in focus) shot of some of those nodes.
I would be able to tell you.

However, I must say, the first plant pic seems a little sick.
The coloring in the leaves does't look healthy to me. (could just be the lighting, not sure...)
That may be why you havn't seen any signs of sex yet.


Active Member
I can't tell from those pics.

The places you want to look are bewteen the branch nodes.
If you can get a close up (and in focus) shot of some of those nodes.
I would be able to tell you.

However, I must say, the first plant pic seems a little sick.
The coloring in the leaves does't look healthy to me. (could just be the lighting, not sure...)
That may be why you havn't seen any signs of sex yet.
yea the other plant being a lil bigger & them being in somewhat cramped quarter over shadowed this 1 & i dont think it was getting enuff light & the other might have been smothering that the male is gone im hoping this 1 will start to take off...i have been having probs with the fan leaves like drying out getting crispy & eventually dieing...mostly the male but htis other plant has too just not nearly as bad...this 1 just is very short & bushy little yellowish tinge to some of the leaves & little rust colored spots on some of the lower leaves...heres some pics...hopefully close enuff & clear enuff to tell sex



Well-Known Member
the only pic that was clear enough was the 2nd one. and So far I don't see any signs of sex.

It might just be a late bloomer. I know when I started to flower my last grow, the signs didn't show up till about 2 weeks after I switched to 12/12.


Active Member
oh ok..i thought they showed there signs with in 10 days...i was looking trying to get a better shot spinning the plant around & i think i saw 2 tiny hairs in the area of that cluster in pic 2...i couldnt get a clear pic tho...sure hope im right...& the 1st pic was just to give u a pic of the whole plant...does it still look sick to u or was it just the lighting of the 1 pic that made u say "the first plant pic seems a little sick.
The coloring in the leaves does't look healthy to me"


Well-Known Member
Well, I would say that it looks like nute lockout. In other words a PH issue. Possibly a lack of nitrogen. Whats your ph at in that setup.


Active Member
the ph was quite low the other day when i checked it & i raised it a lil & the yellow tinge to the leaves is fading...starting to look a lil greener now than what it was a couple days ago...& now that the male is gone & this plant has the whole set up to itself it should be getting better...has more room, will be getting more light & better circulation. is nute lockout caused just by ph imbalence or could there be other variables? & if it nute lockout what can i do to fix it other than correcting the ph?


Well-Known Member
Flush the system, and add fresh clean, RO water. make sure you ph it before hand.
Then add the nutes as directed on the box.

So basically, the best way to nip it in the bud (no pun intended), you would just empty the Res, add fresh water, and nutes.

This will also help clear up any salts that may have accumulated in the rez. Too much salt in the water can cause nute lock up as well.


Active Member
well the RO system i got is takes me like 6 hrs to refill the whole reservoir....when i adjusted the ph i took out about 2 gallons & replaced it with fresh RO & nutes & a few days be4 that i did the same thing....u think that will be ok or u think the whole system needs to be flushed? edit i have a 10 gallon reservoir with about 7 gallons in it


Well-Known Member
Yeah, that should do. Just keep an eye on the ph. Doesn't take a big fluctuation in ph to cause the plant hell.

Well, that is for hydro mostly.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
I'm a first time grower and been following tips from this site and been working fine up till now. The pistils started showing and a few days later something weird started happenning. Not sure if it's starting to flower or if it's male plants with seeds. I attached pics please someone tell me whats happening.
that would be male pollen sacks only the female make seeds>>>>>>>>> Sexing