Problem or Not???


Well-Known Member
So I don't know if this is the right place to post or not, so feel free to move it if you need. Anyway, I definitely have the first time grower stigma, and obsess about problems that may or may not be there. I just wanted to get some peoples take on what they see and if they see any problems.

The setup:
Strains-Jack Diesel, Blue Venom, Blue O.G., Hypnotic, and Blueberry Gum.
1 week old seedlings(pics) 1" or less under 2 48" T8 overdriven 6500k tubes.
Originally started in Jiffy pots and Jiffy starter mix(shit, I know) Transplanted yesterday to 2.5 gallon pots of ffof because roots were hanging out of the bottom and seeing light(lil vampires)

Plain tap water ph@5.8-temp.75 and humidity unknown.

They seem to have stopped growing a couple days ago, and the hypnotic (pic 1) first leaves are in a tight "v" pointed straight up.

Anyone see any worries or concerns I should take care of or are the little critters are par with how they should look. P.S. the T8's are not their forever VEG light, just waiting for them to grow alittle more..Thanks Evereyone.SAM_0916.jpgSAM_0917.jpgSAM_0918.jpgSAM_0919.jpg


Well-Known Member
Well you transplanted into a BIG pot, so it will take awhile for the roots to spread and new growth starts, but other than that you're looking good, just about how I did it. You will need more lights in the near future though, unless you're goin with an HID...good luck and welcome to RIU buddy


Well-Known Member
thanks DirtFree I'll go do that right now, I was so worried about stretch that I damn near set the fixture on the pots. Is that all you see going on?


Well-Known Member
@ RIKNSTIEN yeah definitely going HID, I have a 400 MH setup but I wasn't sure if that would be a little much for the little ones right now.


Well-Known Member
They are getting too hot. Back the light off a little bit.
Yep they look a lil curly on top...put your hand just above your plant without touchin it, and if the back of your hand is hot, then so are they....put a 6inch fan blowin on them it will help cool them down and build strong stalks..


Well-Known Member
thanks DirtFree I'll go do that right now, I was so worried about stretch that I damn near set the fixture on the pots. Is that all you see going on?
@ RIKNSTIEN yeah definitely going HID, I have a 400 MH setup but I wasn't sure if that would be a little much for the little ones right now.
I use CFLs myself for the whole thing, but this is how I had my setup when my girls were seedlings...lights about 2 inches above with a 6 inch fan blowing on them..

001 (2).jpgkeep it tight
Capture.PNGThis is 4 weeks in flower under CFLs, my buds are almost as big as the bulb next to it :hump:


Well-Known Member
I used my hand when I set the light the first time, and it seemed okay to me infact these T8s are cool enough I can put my the back of my hand right on the tubes and its fine but I guess still to hot for them. Thanks for the input, I just raised it about an inch.


Well-Known Member
They look fine, just like my one week olds always look. The first couple weeks are painfully boring.


Well-Known Member
Thanks AimAim, I figured as much but better to get the heads up from people that have been there before me. I figured I could get them to grow faster just by how much I was using force of will..lmfao


Well-Known Member
Thanks AimAim, I figured as much but better to get the heads up from people that have been there before me. I figured I could get them to grow faster just by how much I was using force of will..lmfao
That's fuckin hilarious dude..
Ahhh young padawan, much to learn you still have...(in my best Yoda voice)


Well-Known Member
Yeah I know, hopefully by my second run I'll have all the ants out of my pants and just let em be.
You will probably do good on this one buddy, just remember not to give them nutes until week 3 or 4, or when the cotyledons wilt (lil round feeder leaves) and when you do start feeding start with 1/4 strength and work your way to full strength to let them get used to feeding.


Well-Known Member
Im glad you brought that up RIKENSTEIN, I know that ffof should have enough to run plain water through for about 2-3 weeks right? So when I do start the nutes should I start 1/4 strength of what FoxFarms little schedule says is week one or go by the actual age says for instance week 3 on the schedule if that is how old they are?


Well-Known Member
Im glad you brought that up RIKENSTEIN, I know that ffof should have enough to run plain water through for about 2-3 weeks right? So when I do start the nutes should I start 1/4 strength of what FoxFarms little schedule says is week one or go by the actual age says for instance week 3 on the schedule if that is how old they are?
I start mine at week 4 from sprout, this to me starts my veggin period and only 1/4 strength to start...don't listen to the directions on the labels, they want you to use it all up so you have to buy more :evil: I go small until they're used to it, and then when they're close to flower, I blast them until they start showin a lil nute burn, then I back off.

And on that HID, the same thing, put ur hand over ur babies till it's not too hot for them....good luck man, you'll do fine


Well-Known Member
Alright ricky, I am convinced I am gonna go for it and see how they react to the 400.
I posted some new pics to my journal from today.
Just make sure you keeps the temps down if you're gonna

They burn easily and fast at this stage. One of mine got a tad crispy but I caught
it quick enough and its all good.