Active Member
I put my seeds folded between wet paper towels and in ziplock baggies and let them sit for 7 days. Then I took the seeds that were busted open and showing a little "foot" root and put them in soil about the depth of the size of the seed (4 or 5 mm) and put about a mm of soil over them. Then I watered them and put the pots in black trays with clear hoods over the trays. The hoods are about two inches tall. I put the trays under 4 40 watt flourecent tubes about 2 or 3 inches above the clear hoods. There is a heating pad under the trays. While my garage is pretty cold, the air temp under the hoods is a steady 85 - 90 degrees C, abd the soil temp is about the same. The seeds have been in the soil now for 4 days and not one damn seed has sprouted above the dirt. What am I doing wrong, or what can I do to make these seeds sprout? The only other light that I have is a 1000w HPS, which I think will fry my seeds before they sprout. All help is greatly appreciated.