Problem with clones (pics over some period)


Active Member
I took these clones on 4. december and had presoaked the rockwool in 5.5PH water for few days before i took the cuttings.

I really tought i had this did everything by the book i think. Oh yeah i soaked the rockwool in 0.4ml of stim root from atami. Didnt think that cut burn them like this but still it kinda cant be a burn or what ? ?

12.4 The first pics are from when i took the clones.

Folliwing from 12.12



Active Member
So this is from 12.12 they have begin to root quite nicely but starting to get this fainted yellow or something and some leafes kinda like curling but not still.....
hope this makes any sense.

Following 12.22



Active Member
Here i just but them in a box just with oxygen wich has been working quite well for me... anyway you can see how badly the clones look i mixed a veg nutes i´m using from ATAMI but only on half strength EC 0.8 (tap 0.3)
And the new growth is doing well now and they have started to root pretty nicely so i guess i will higher the EC after cople of days, and they probaply will get better.

But do you guys have any ideas what made this happend ???

Also following pics of the mums same date as when i took the clones, they have been doing great, i´m feeding them GHE flora series.

Any opinions greatly appreciated ;):weed:



Active Member
You have humidity dome for those right? Clones will yellow and get a bit sick often before they will produce a nice root system. Just keep trimming away the yellow bits. Sounds like your doing things right with nuts. You could go with pH of 6 for the water to be safe that the pH isn't lower then you think. GL


Active Member
I had a dome and watched the humitidy pretty well 60+ and max temp 80far.

But makes sense specially thinking about the time, do you think it´s possible that (i use 250w blue spectrum enviro) about 10-20cm above the dome is that to much lighting for clones. Does the mother and whatkinda lights she´s been under have anything to do with this ?

Thanks + rep


Well-Known Member
clones dont need 2 much light.. ambient lighting is fine.. floros work best.. no need for 250 watts 40-80 watt floros about 12-18 inches above the dome works just fine


Active Member
Yeah that is pretty dang close for clones. Most people recommend using just a couple florescent tubes for clones around 20cm away. There is such a thing as too much light especially for sensitive clones. Around 40cm would probably be better for that light.


Active Member
just remember also like they have said things look worse befor they get better some of mine have looked preaty sad and then after they got there shit togeather started making good healthy growth to get me my nuggs . like to strong is a good way to kill them like a sun burn if you have one and go out in the sun it hurts kinda same thing lol