Problem with DNA Genetics seeds


Active Member
everyone is making germing WAY more complicated than it really is. pre soak is a waste of time imo. get a paper towel moist, just damp, it dont need to be dripping wet. put in a zip lock sandwich bag. put the seeds on top but keep them apart from each other. seal the bag, personally i also let out as much air as i can just so the seeds dont move around as much. zip the bag but leave a small hole. gently press your hand across to get out any extra air, then finish zipping the bag all the way so it's sealed. dont worry, there is still enough air inside for germing even though it dont look like it. also i am against putting them in between 2 paper towels cause it virtually makes no difference in speed, and you can see them so much better. you should NEVER have to re moisten the paper towel. put in a board game or cereal box, you need it in complete darkness. just throw the box in a bedroom closet. dont use a heating pad it's a waste. personally the area i germ my seeds is only about 68-75 F. room temp is perfect. check in about 2 days. stems will have just started popping out. now put each one in a cup of soil. it's that easy. i promise you near 99.9% as long as you follow the method correctly and the seeds are good to begin with. everyone not having as good of success as i, i ask you to try this method on some commercial seeds just for proof and so you dont waste good seeds. do everything exactly as i say. after it works for you, then go ahead and make changes or add you own twist on things and who knows, maybe you will make it even better.

i learned this from high times years ago from max yields's and kyle kush's internet grow FAQ which i dont think any longer exists. i think donnie danko took over now. so all the credit goes to high times and wherever they got the method.

not trying to knock anyone's method but here are some don'ts imo
-dont pre soak
-dont use a heating pad, it may be making it too hot and besides that, room temp is perfect.
-you should never need to open the bag until they germ and are ready to take out
-dont add more water, it shouldnt be needed
-dont keep in the bag for too long cause it already contains mold on a microscopic level and it will greatly reproduce, thats why i plant as soon as i see a root come out.
-dont reuse the same bag or towel because of the mold issue mentioned above
-dont keep in the light, however checking on it now and then even in light wont harm it
-dont even try to use seeds that are cracked, damaged, or premature(white colored), they have a much higher failure rate, in fact probably a 99.9% failure rate

i do hope anyone with germ trouble tries this, you will not be disappointed. any questions, problems, contradictions, i will do my best to clear up. best wishes and may your buds be better than gold!