Problem with leaves

El GreenGo

Active Member
Hey guys, my first time growing but I've been lurking around here gathering info for my grow. My babies are about 2-2.5 weeks old. I'm growing under a 400w MH lamp in promix. I've been feeding veg nutes every 2-3 days. The lower leaves are beginning to turn yellow. This just started happening within the past week (maybe less.)

I've been looking around and if I had to guess it looks like others do with a nitrogen deficiency however like I said its my first time so I don't want to assume anything.

Can I get a second opinion with possible solutions?


El GreenGo

Active Member
All that info is in my original post. No nutes for the first month? That contradicts many things I've read, I heard my leaves would look burnt not yellow if I was over feeding em.


Well-Known Member
you gotta remember that your root mass as at least equal to and usually alot more than what you see on top. if they arent rootbound yet they sure will be soon. your gals look like they can handle the nutes at this point- I agree looks like she could use more n but my first guess is she is not getting it for some reason in the cups. are there drain holes in there?

El GreenGo

Active Member
Yea theres drain holes and I was thinking of that as a potential problem too. Im going to get them into bigger pots asap but is that whats causing the yellowing?


Well-Known Member
by the amounts of times you have to water these and the lack of soil mass, I would say it is a safe bet that any nutes you are feeding them are leeching out too quick for the roots to absorb them. they dont look bad at all. just ready for the next step. and please no miracle grow soil,lol. maybe get some foxfarms and vermiculite and some fine dolomite lime and make a nice mix. just remember that if you are getting soil or have soil with nutes in it that in the bigger pots you prob will not have to feed for a while.

El GreenGo

Active Member
Thanks for the advice. As for the medium im using its a nice mixture of peat moss, vermiculite, perlite and dolomite lime which a friend recommend to me.

big blues

Active Member
if anyone can help me it would be a mirracle lol and a lifesaver!! iv got a walk in wardrobe covered in black and white and got 1 400 wat light up. and a mate of mine has the same and we are usin the same ec and ph rods. both using the same nutrients and we feed them together and mine aint workin for some reason. i have nice airflow and my leaves always turn from nice dark green to light green and yellow using pots and ionic grow. some leaves even look deformed and have 2 leaves on a shoot. temp is on 75 -80f humidity is low.25-35. but i spray with abit of water twice a day to keep the moist on leaves. can anyone help?? i started from clones nearly 3 weeks ago!! oh yh and my ph was 5.7 but put it up to 6.5 to experiment!