problem with my baby, please help


Active Member
IMAG0518.jpgIMAG0522.jpgIMAG0517.jpgIMAG0521.jpgIMAG0520.jpgIMAG0519.jpgHey guys i have about a month old ladie here i think and shes looking a little stressed with the bulbs i got her. Im guessing they are no hood and should stick with the clfs. I see some discoloring in them prob Hidrogen or mag problem. Please help out. Im also using some superthrive a buddy of mines gave me. Watering when ever needed.


Active Member
IMAG0525.jpgIMAG0524.jpgIMAG0523.jpgOk the soil im using is normal potting soil ,i forgot wich kind it was. It was handed to me, i didnt buy it my self. I water like twice a week. Im running 2 cfls rightnow and one light bulb that its preety much giving heat. Im going to post some pics of the set up rightnow. I put a quarter teaspoon of superthrive a gallon. A gallo preety much lasts me a week and some change. I feel that they are underwatered but idk too much on growing im learning as i go.. ph meter is in betwwrn 8-7. Idk if thats the right ph for it. And thanks for ur help buddie


Well-Known Member
lose the floodlight and replace it with another cfl, and get them closer to plant. water by weight of pot. water when it feels light. your ph is a little high. when you re-pot, and you will have to if you want some real bud, use different mix. some plain potting soil. and start feeding some nutes, and back off the superthrive


Active Member
Any idea how big of a pot i should be using. And nutes. I seen some fox farm products , bloom something. And i seen some ph up and down products are thoes only good for hydroponics or can i dirt? And room tempt stay at like 65_70 . The room is located in the basement and i live in new england so temps be very low. Does it need more heat? And will a couple cfls do some more justice. And im also begining 12/12 cycle today..


Well-Known Member
ph 6.5-7 for soil. a couple of more bulbs will not only increase your yield, but warm your grow area some too. if you are flowering now, a 3al pot will suffice, imo. i make my own nutes, so i can't help you with brands.


Active Member
Thanks going thru the link that u have on the recipies ill be doing some reading. Thnks for all the info bro..