problem with my leaf ? pics


Active Member
i just checked on my girl and i saw this on one of the leafs any ideas also a few of the smaller leaves have got brown tips very very small tho what am i doing wrong ? im 2weeks in there growing quick im using soil that has ferts in it already for veg and using a little warter with rootboost ?

i no the pics arnt to clear but the last one is my mian problem i worried about her

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
if it already has nutes in it it could have to much for the plant or not the right anounts for veg
and time release ones will sometime release early if watered to much and then theres a shit ton of nutes that can burn it
your 2 weeks in from seed?


Well-Known Member
Make sure you are ph'ing your water.

They should be ok, just looks like a little burn

When you say the soil already has verts what do you mean? Is it miracle grow dirt?


Well-Known Member
id say only use a 1/4 strength of the stated amount of root-boost for now and build it up slowley over time


Active Member
2 weeks in from clone u think this could be the problem my mate gave me the soil also said its what he uses i gave them more water last night as this is my 2nd week and they got alot bigger maybe that set off a few to many nutes?


Active Member
yeh i went in with 2mm insted of 1.5 it does say upto 5mm of rootboost. its called terra soil my friend who has had a few grows said u wont need nutes untill flower?


Well-Known Member
lay of the nutes and only use water for now then in about a week or so start the nutes at a lower amount its doesn't look that bad in the pics you will be fine


Active Member
looks fine to me , maybe a little bit overwatering but overall for 2 weeks veg thats a nice plant, mine had marks like that all over but the buds were still extremely dank.


Active Member
well i dont no wat it is to the point i just have one of them test where it goes a light green to yellow its probs a bit lower the 7 should i add a drop of lemon jucie anyway


Well-Known Member
your call mate if you think its abit to high just add a little and test it again and see what results you get