Problem with my new grow box.


anyone tell me whats problem of my plants..? leaves tip started to turns yellow n less crystal i can see when it is flowering now.
i have change a new bigger grow box,but same set up as last one,is that not enough fresh air..? coz my last harvest was successe,dont know what happen on this?!
Temp is : 20-23 coz its winter time here, Humid is: 55%-60%,n i just put fertilizer last week,but it was same i did for my last grow.
anyone can help...????P2093742.jpgP2093741.jpgP2093740.jpg


thx for reply,..
im using 'fox farm' fertilizer,n im using the same issue as last time. it was no problem at all.
n i only seeing this when she's flowering now,early stage was fine too... weird!


Well-Known Member
maybe to much nitrogen ph off? if its a different strain may not be able to handle the nutes like your first.
i am a newbie so not sure good luck you will get it figured out.


Well-Known Member
^^^ looks like too much nitrogen. Those leaves are super green. Do you use full strength nutes. I would get some light green paint and just hide those signs