Problem with my seedlings

Hi guys, my first post here so be gentle bongsmilie

I Have 4 skunk #1 in 5 gallon dwc pots under a 125w CFL.
grow room temp is about 76-78F Rh been fluctuating between 40-60% above the plants although the fist few days it was very low about 20% and a few days ago my temp shot up into the high 90s.
So I think its pretty safe to say that the conditions have not been consistent this first week

They have been in the pots for one week now, I put them in as soon as they sprouted.
Currently feeding them Ionic grow and rootbastic with a ppm of 400

I have a 5" rvk fan for extraction connected to a filter venting out a window and also a duck to draw in fresh air also from a window but I only run it if temps of humidity start getting high.

After about the second day I noticed some upward curling of the leafs and some odd curling, i'm thinking it may be stress from the changing conditions but im really not sure. anybody able to diagnose this properly for me?




Well-Known Member
I can't really see any problem. The plant is going to grow rapidly now, so I wouldn't worry about it unless it's new leaves show the same tendancies. Actually, I think they look pretty good considering they were transplanted a week ago. Peace
Ahh, that's good to hear. I did a couple of grows about four years ago and everything I learned has just left me as far as identifying problems goes. probably just panicking lol.