Problem with one of my babies


Active Member
Hey all,

I have a problem with one of my plants. The plant is in a 5 gallon bucket DWC style, under a 90 watt 5 band ufo.

The plant is maybe 3 weeks old if that and looked great up until yesterday. Now, the bottom leaves are curling up and look like they are drying out. They look crispy. Looks like some yellow spotting on the very bottom leaves... The top leaves look fine so far. The entire plant is only up to 4 nodes so far.

I changed the water out 2 days prior to the problem showing up and added about a 1/3 (maybe a little over) nutes to the res.

At the same time, I changed water and added same amount of nutes to another plant right beside the other one that is showing no signs of problems.

Any ideas? Did I add too much nutes to it at 3 weeks? I put 2.5 gallon water and almost 2 tsp. The bottle says to add about 2 tsp per gallon.


Active Member
i had the same problem. cut the nutes down and check the roots are ok. my roots started goin brown because it was being over watered the leaves were the same as u are describing. part from that it could be nitrogen would be good.