Problem with Super Bud and Blue Mystic

Can someone tell me if my Super Bud seedling still a new to this so bare with me....To me it looks I guess kinda started out pretty well both cotyledons really green but all of a sudden they are starting to look brown as if they are rotting.These are the pics.


This is my Blue Mystic. I dont know why the new leaves that are growing have like little blackish dots on them...I checked and made sure they're not bugs and they are not so I dont know what it could be and by the way both are outdoor grows and Im using miracle grow soil.These are the pics.

Not trying to spam but if anyone could just give me an least to know what to do with the super bud whether to replace it with another seed.


Well-Known Member
Seedling 1 is looking like it is trying to make it's mind up wether to die or not. I didn't know miracle grow soil had rocks in it, soil looks terible, seedling soil or flowering compost?

Seedling 2 is looking like the start of pH problem or nutes, give it a while to grow to see which way it wants to go. I mean just leave it be and let it grow for now!

Plant another seedling if you hae spare as the first seedling dosen't look good, a bug has also nibbled the second seedling in places but it was probably just passing and took a bite before moving onto another plant. Why not start your seedlings indoors in pots and plant them outdoors when they are strong and grown up a little. One two foot flourescent would keep 2/3 seedlings growing till three sets of leaves have grown easy. Um make sure the indoor light is the right spectrum of light if you do or use a windowsill that gets direct sunlight. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
hmm what soil are you using? does it have nutrients in it.. you have to be careful with some soils. such as miracle grow for example.. i find that miracle grow has way to much nutrients to start a plant out..
and if your soil you have has nutrients.. i hope you haven't added more because that could deffly lead to over feeding it with nutrients which can cause the black spots and more worse problems to come.