

Active Member
hi im kinda new to growing well the good way anyway so im 4 week into flowering and the top cola is almost as big as a pop can ( am i on track) now i have some problem i think i got chimical burn as you can see on the bottom leaf on the pic its got chicken pox hehe when i first saw those spot i cuted the nut with more water and i fed it once more today i saw it got worst so i fed it a good shot of plain water (1L) any help would be grate and one more thing can i cut away the random big ..huge leaf they seam to take alot to keep alive this energy could be use to grow budds no ??



Well-Known Member
... Almost forgot, DON'T CUT THE BIG FAN LEAVES! U know how u were thinking they would TAKE energy? The leaves are more like solar panals, that store energy and nutrients which in turn CREATE THE BUDS!!! In actuality, the leaves need the light more than the buds do.


Active Member
temp at the top i dunno but its inda cold in there the room its in as no heat so with -25 outside i would say its about 20c
and the newer leaf dont do it just the fan leaf and its doing it all over


Well-Known Member
Not too sure from the picture but they look like spider mite scars,
Check under the leaves with the spots. Otherwise can you take a few more pics?


Well-Known Member
more and less nutes may be fucking with ya PH, this could be something like a calcium deficiency due to should try to post your PH, check the fertilizer lable, see what in it, you should be using a bloom nute and i dont know if your using other knjow what, just post your PH of the runoff and post what ur feeding said you gave a good shot of nutes, this may have lowered your PH even more than usual and lockd out some micro nute.....on top of the "plant problems" thread, theres a link at the very top about diagnosing problems check it out


Active Member
na i didint say i gave them a good shot of nute i gave a good shot of plain water the ph i have no way to check now for the nut hers what i got
i put 2ml/l of each
i got this to
2ml/l to
i got some big bud
0.3g /l
and some carbo load 0.3g/l to
and its the first time i ever touch the nut i lowerd them a bit then stoped totally now
i already checked the lik up there and lots of other place each nute burn didint look like what ive got