Problems diagnosing yellowing lower leaves.Pics


Well-Known Member
I had this same prob last year I could never seem to correct all the way through flower, I was using MG organic choice soil the same as I am this year so I guess the only thing I have bad to say about MG is this deficiency that it makes the plants develope. The older lower leaves start turning yellow and dying as the healthy new leaves come in so what do I do?:wall:

THe last three pics are from last grow of plant with the same problem I believe. Eventually all the dying leaves turn neon yellow then get brown spots and curl down and get crispy.


Your Grandfather

Well-Known Member
I had this same prob last year I could never seem to correct all the way through flower, I was using MG organic choice soil the same as I am this year so I guess the only thing I have bad to say about MG is this deficiency that it makes the plants develope. The older lower leaves start turning yellow and dying as the healthy new leaves come in so what do I do?:wall:

THe last three pics are from last grow of plant with the same problem I believe. Eventually all the dying leaves turn neon yellow then get brown spots and curl down and get crispy.
What to do?

Don't use MG soil.

Problem solved :)


Well-Known Member
What to do?

Don't use MG soil.

Problem solved :)
You dont even know how many MG haters are out there I didnt ask you to give me a refrence to a better medium or even a question relatively close to that. I asked what can I do to fix my yellowing older leaves, there is some other way besides buying new soil I have a small grow that is budgeted and I see no reason in spending $500 on all the good shit, when I guarentee I will do fine with the cheap shit for less than $50, harvest 2oz every 2-4weeks. I know MG isnt the perfect thing to use or even close, I hate the drainage of MG also how it usually comes with free gnat larva but It is readily available to me cheap and quick and organic so I use it. So for anyone that is going to come to all my threads just to bitch about how bad Miracle grow is, please don't. Now nutrients is another story, with nutes usually the more you pay the better the nutes, I use Dutcmaster Grow A, and B for veg and Fox Farms Big Bloom, and Tiger bloom for flower.


Well-Known Member
fox farm, black gold, roots try using these

I have wanted to try roots organics, where can you get roots does it have to be ordered or will certain nurseries or garden stores sell it. Im on east coast so I doubt its sold localy just wondering.+rep
You dont even know how many MG haters are out there I didnt ask you to give me a refrence to a better medium or even a question relatively close to that. I asked what can I do to fix my yellowing older leaves, there is some other way besides buying new soil I have a small grow that is budgeted and I see no reason in spending $500 on all the good shit, when I guarentee I will do fine with the cheap shit for less than $50, harvest 2oz every 2-4weeks. I know MG isnt the perfect thing to use or even close, I hate the drainage of MG also how it usually comes with free gnat larva but It is readily available to me cheap and quick and organic so I use it. So for anyone that is going to come to all my threads just to bitch about how bad Miracle grow is, please don't. Now nutrients is another story, with nutes usually the more you pay the better the nutes, I use Dutcmaster Grow A, and B for veg and Fox Farms Big Bloom, and Tiger bloom for flower.
you have a lot of learning to do, the more exspensive the nutes, the lighter your wallet, really.
you asked how to fix your problem, the first guy told you straight up, but it wasn't what you wanted to hear, so you cop a attitude?
maybe spend less on those nutes and get some good soil.


Well-Known Member
you have a lot of learning to do, the more exspensive the nutes, the lighter your wallet, really.
you asked how to fix your problem, the first guy told you straight up, but it wasn't what you wanted to hear, so you cop a attitude?
maybe spend less on those nutes and get some good soil.

THis is dumb thats like someone asking whats wrong with there car because its making weird noise and you tell them to get new car. Just because I am having a problem, doesnt mean I have to give up now there is a way to fix it and that is what I am asking if you dont know whats wrong then why are you posting here this is my thread and I made it to find out what is wrong with my plant not what is wrong with my soil. FUCK just answer the question please stop telling me my soil is bad, I have seen quite a few successful grows with my soil and I have had a successful grow myself with this soil but as of now I am here searching for guidance please understand Im not being a dick but I am tired of being harassed about changing my soil so please forget about soil and let me know what is wrong with my plants. Is it a calcium, zinc, potasium, phospherous, Nitrogen, Magnesium or other deficiency please Im tired of wasting my time talking about soil.


Well-Known Member
you have a lot of learning to do, the more exspensive the nutes, the lighter your wallet, really.
you asked how to fix your problem, the first guy told you straight up, but it wasn't what you wanted to hear, so you cop a attitude?
maybe spend less on those nutes and get some good soil.
Also it is proven fact that differant nutes are better than others, Urban grower did a test with all same strain same veg/flower times but differant Nutes and guess which one had the highest yeild and THC % Advanced Nutes, which I dont have Avanced Nutes but I have the 3rd highest yeilding nutes DutchMasters, I think GH was 4th place. Anyway my point is the most expensive nutes were the best performing and I think that means something. The reason Advanced Nutes are so expensive is because they are perfected to a science to make marijuana grow perfectly, which I would not ever pay what Advanced Nutes prices are but they are a very good line of nutes from what Ive heard.
Also it is proven fact that differant nutes are better than others, Urban grower did a test with all same strain same veg/flower times but differant Nutes and guess which one had the highest yeild and THC % Advanced Nutes, which I dont have Avanced Nutes but I have the 3rd highest yeilding nutes DutchMasters, I think GH was 4th place. Anyway my point is the most expensive nutes were the best performing and I think that means something.
, I own a hydro store, your gonna tell me about nutes?
urbangrower is advanced nutes website, of coarse they win. I could grow better with $10 nutes


Well-Known Member
, I own a hydro store, your gonna tell me about nutes?
urbangrower is advanced nutes website, of coarse they win. I could grow better with $10 nutes
True True. but would you grow better with MG plant food or Fox Farms you tell me. I bet you wouldnt be able to get the same result with both nutes.
True True. but would you grow better with MG plant food or Fox Farms you tell me. I bet you wouldnt be able to get the same result with both nutes.
There is not 1 hydro store in the great US of A that carries MG, there is not 1 experienced grower that ever recommended MG.
take a guess why. There are a ton of companies with great marketing that have people who believe everything the claim.
go learn about N-P-k values and what they mean, then read labels,lots of them. see what the NPK values are derived from.
you'll be amazed at what you find.