Problems galore!

Hi all,

Had something interesting happened yesterday, got the builders in at the moment, refitting the kitchen, while the plumber was here, he decided he needed to bleed all the radiators, this sent me in to a panic seeing as my two babies that are in flower is in my airing cupboard where there is a radiator. Anyway, finally he went out for a fag and I manage to quickly put a couple of black bags (not knowing what else to do at the time) over them and shift them in to the bedroom, luckily the were still in night hours so it just ment they got a few extra hours without light. took all the lighting out of the cupboard and he came back and did his bits. Anyway, when he eventually left, I set all the lighting back up and fan and that, and put the plants back in, unfortunatly though, my babies looked in a really sorry state.


As soon as I got them in though I got the light on them, gave them some water and sprayed them with water too, and today, they have perked right back up again.


After all that though, I was wondering if anyone could tell me how I'm doing with them, I forgot to right down when they went into flower, but I think there around 3 weeks into flower now. I've got them on Bio-grow and Topmax at the moment, watering them aprox every 3 - 4 days, I treat them with nutes on one feed, then two feed with just water.. The lamp is the best I can get for now but its a 100W energy saver, and the plants seem to be loving it.

Kind regards,



Well-Known Member
They need more light.. they are stretching real bad.. looks like they are nice and green .. pretty healthy .. but put more lights on em if you want something good to come out of her.


Well-Known Member
they are pretty stretched, and 100w will do little for them , no penetration for as big as they are. will still produce some smoke so all good
thanks for the advice, the big one was to be expect as it was stretched while seeking light back I started seeding her. but the other one, I was a little worried about.. is the light too far off the plant or do I need to add more lighting?

P.s. Forgot to mention the strain is superskunk.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the advice, the big one was to be expect as it was stretched while seeking light back I started seeding her. but the other one, I was a little worried about.. is the light too far off the plant or do I need to add more lighting?

P.s. Forgot to mention the strain is superskunk.
both will help
Hopefully my next lot wont be far off going in to flower when these finish. I'll certainly see what I can make up in the way of more lighting for it though and lower the light thats already there a little bit. I'm hopefully going to be getting a nice 400W for the next lot in flower but unfortunatly I can't do anything in the way of that untill then, but is there anything anyone could recommend the would work a little better untill then?

Thanks again,

Thanks, I'm guessing you mean strain, can you recommend anything, I was given 80 superskunk seeds by my father-in-law, and his soon bring up some top44's for me, would these be any better?


Well-Known Member
doesnt have to be strain, could 12/12 from seed, flower sooner, or pick a short strain, i think northern lights is a short strain
I'll have a look at them then, thanks. and I will change all my ones in veg now over to veg too, and see how they go. I did think the smaller one was a little too bare, but I just put it down to stress.