Problems!!!! Help


So one of my plants went all yellow still growing buds but all yellow im in like 5th week of flower ive flushed and tried hooking up the nitrogen but no love will my plant make it to harvest if all the fan leaves fall off.



Active Member
give it time!(how long will it flower?) the big fan leaves are the first to go when the plants slows down on the N when flowering . , i think it looks alright,just keep your eye on it(you know your own plant) you dont want to be going mental looking probs when there is none..happy growing,, the leaves still look happy reaching for the light (no drooping or that)


Well-Known Member
If you know they are not root bound and you know the soil ph is target than just sit back. Do not add more nitrogen that the plant wants in flowering stage that gets cut way back during flowering.


Well-Known Member
Get your panties unbunched friend. Your plants look just like they should. I have a hot system and I see a lot
of yellowing leaves by week 4 flowering. In fact your plants look real good, especially for a noob!

Good luck, BigSteve.


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Staff member
So one of my plants went all yellow still growing buds but all yellow im in like 5th week of flower ive flushed and tried hooking up the nitrogen but no love will my plant make it to harvest if all the fan leaves fall off.
Does those yellow leaves have brown spots on them? If so you can try some cal/mag. It won't hurt your plant even in flowering so if it's not a magnesium deficiency it won't hurt to try it. A cheap way to do it is to get some Epsom Salt.


Active Member
Yellowing, from the bottom up, is totally normal. A lot (like half) of your fan leaves will yellow and die off, from the bottom up, while flowering. I'm not sure if that's what's happening with you or not. If a plant has been damaged by deficiency/toxicity, the damaged parts will remain damaged permanently. Meaning, you may have had a problem that flushing fixed, but those yellow leaves will never turn green again.

just make sure your new growth is looking good.

also, remember that nitrogen makes chlorophyll. Chlorophyll keeps everything green. Chlorophyll also makes everything taste bad. Leaves need nitrogen. Buds do not (or much less).


Well-Known Member
If you still rock to Justin Timberlake you are the only one left, should sell yourself on ebay. Just saying.


Well-Known Member
That's normal dude, your plant looks fine...what strain is that? Looks like a pure indica... Hindu Kush?


Active Member
give it nutes, week 4 and 5 plant needs are at the highest level , why flush now , flush at 6 or 7,


Ok so it is Sweet Tooth which is a hybrid indica/sativa but flowering time is 8 to ten weeks i have been giving nutes the whole way threw veg and flower but flower of course im using bloom and some bud candy and some cal mag and a little ginormous so it has all the nutes it should have the ph is reading at 6 to 6.5 so that should be good but i have two other strains blue dream and tahoe og kush that have not gone yellow but on a couple leave and their buds are twice the size of my sweet tooth so i thought something has to be wrong but it is still growing just not as rapidly thanks for all the input from all off you people.