Problems please help!!!!!!


Active Member
I over fertilized my plant 6 days ago. I flushed it also days ago, and its better. My problem is that I need to bring the pH up because its at 3.5 and its giving my plants an Iron deficiency.

I have organic pH up for soil. But the soil is still wet. It seems that it's not drying. Should I wait for the soil to dry or should I apply the phUp now?


Well-Known Member
It would help if you used a liquid test+correction kit to at least Ph some water and put it in the pot to help bring up the soil ph until you get something else figured out. If your soil is that acidic on it's own you may need to just transplant and hope for the best. You can buy a cheap 4$ bag of organic soil at just about any home improvement store and it is Ph'ed anywhere from 5.5-7 depending on what you buy.


Well-Known Member
id put a large fan in the room pointing safely towards the plants and dry out the soil a bit if its drenched. get a milk jug or pail of water and correct ph. then let it sit untell the soil is dry enough to water. then id check the run off of the water that comes out the bottom of the container then adjust things from the run off.


Well-Known Member
baking soda is a ph up and most have it already. desolve some in some water then add it to your water test ph then go from there