problems please help!!


these are a few weeks old and i noticed that the leaves where curling. At first i didnt think much of it, but since then it has just kept getting worse. I had looked around but i seem to find that everone seems to think its a different problem while some say there is no problem at all. I recently upgraded the pot it being held in but the curling was going on before that. And now the color is starting to go. any help would be greatly appreciated.


Ursus marijanus
Taco leaf usually has two likely causes: too high a temp or a root problem. But that's not conclusive. I would try a mild feeding with Ca, Mg and N. Cal-mag has all three. cn


Active Member
What is the medium you are using? It looks very dense and what are the temps and rh levels in your area? And how often and how much are you watering? I am thinking you have heat stressing, lack of oxygen in the roots and some N lockout. Of course that is just my opinion and there is not alot of info to go by.