problems with female


Active Member
hey having some problems with my flowering female. Would really appreciate an expert opinion. Bagseed from a good smoke. Using a soilless mix with no added ferts. Now feeding with every watering, (1/2 tsp peters 30-15-30 with trace elements and just over 1/4 tsp epsom salts) per gallon. Under some cfl's, 2 24w warm over top and 2 23w cool on side branching. Intake and exhaust fan. I have some pics attached. The leaves are pecoming pale/yellow, all except the bottom. The bottom leaves have brown tips and some of the upper leaves too with some curling at the tips. Maybe a iron def, maybe wrong ph (no meter), maybe over-fertilising. Any suggestions would be helpfull. She is about 25 days into flowering 12/12. She vegged for about 4 weeks from sprouting.



Well-Known Member
Could be too much feed. I had a similar problem and was advised I should only use approximately 1/3 of the nutrients that were directed on the packet. I think on budding you need a lower nitrogen feed and a higher phosphate level. From the values you have, there is too much nitrogen which is more useful for the vegetation stage. If you are feeding them every time you water them, i'm guessing that would be way too much.

~ This is the thread I had, hope it helps.


Active Member
hmmm i water mine outside everyday with nutrients simple stuff miracle grow with a higher nitrogen level there eighteen inches high is that alright i want fast growth cause i started late but too much i know could slow it down help man id appreciate.