problems with flower


Active Member
Yeah they are totally sativa doms. Bend one over the space you have right beside it than bend the other tops down right beside that. Bend it as much as you feel safe and then bend it a little more the next day and so on until there were you feel low enough the tops will grow toward the light, Hell you might be able to bend them down all the way being sativas.


Active Member
now im havin a problem with brown hairs on underdeveloped buds.....could it be nute burn?
its only happening on 1 flower.....
thanks for the helpIMG00254-20101128-1230.jpgIMG00259-20101128-1506.jpg
if ya look towards the left side u can see the brown.
is this ok?


Well-Known Member
my 2 plants have been in flower now for almost 2 weeks. no signs of sex have appeared on either of them. all they continue to do is get taller. i constantly move the lights to keep the tops from burning but they just keep getting taller. i dont know the strain of either but both come from a reputable source. i had problems with lime green leaves, went to my hydro store and they advised nitrex for the the problem. i added it yesterday with monster bloom nutes along with the nutes that came with my system(stealth hydro; bubbleponics).

does anyone have any advice?
please help. im running out of room in my grow space.

2-150w cfl warm wh
2-100w cfl warm wh
change water and nutes every saturday. add second half of nutes on sunday.
ph is correct.
huimidity is correct.
no light gets in.
temp is correct.

thanks everyone
sounds normal to me most all strains strech out the first weeks of flowering which is why i personally put my plants directly into flower at 7 to 9 " they grow about 20 " in the first three weeks topping out at a little over 2' then whalla pistils then from there on out all flower growth and for the yellow tops again sounds normal to me my plants tops(all of them) get very lime green on the tops then soon after that pistils i wont go to the hydro store for many questions because i cant just out and tell them cannabis and they will recommend anything for me if i got the cash sounds like you have everything in order man.


Well-Known Member
sorry man didnt read the whole thing ,little slow, dam stoner right lol they look pretty good to me again lol depending on the strain some pistils have different colors usually white then red then brown again dont know your strain but from what i have read pistils come out of calyxes as they mature they change color then collect male pollen then pull back in the calyx where it creates seeds so i wouldnt be worried unless they are pulling back in the calyx's just my thoughts anyway hope this helps you out.


Active Member
cool man
i read nute burn at some point and im noticing it in other flowers know as well...
no change of pollenation...only one plant.


Well-Known Member
in the pics i cant really tell but does your leafs have little brown rust looking spots if so i had a similar problem with my last batch of clones well came to find out the ph pen i bought was faulty and giving me false readings the whole time my ph was at like 3.5 and it would tell me 6 messed up got a new pen and got the ph stable and new growth looked great.


Active Member
nah, no rust spots(all gone)
ph is fine, i check it like a maniac
its just the hairs on the flowers
some of the tips of the hairs are turnin brown...


Well-Known Member
i dont know man how far along are they in flower now i have a og kush thats just about 6 weeks in nowhere's near done and almost all the tips of the white hairs are brown which is normal so all depends on how far along they are now


Active Member
its been about 4 weeks now into flower.
had some problems in the beginning so a little slow.
at the end of week 2 they started blooming.
the past two weeks have been flower-ific!!
within the past 2-5 days hairs have begun to turn brown but now sign of actually completed buds.
got some new pics gonna post lata on


Well-Known Member
its been about 4 weeks now into flower.
had some problems in the beginning so a little slow.
at the end of week 2 they started blooming.
the past two weeks have been flower-ific!!
within the past 2-5 days hairs have begun to turn brown but now sign of actually completed buds.
got some new pics gonna post lata on
sweet man cant wait to see them in my eyes as long as you yield something its worth it took me a few tries but all i can say is there is always next time and believe me they will be better next time.


Well-Known Member
all i have to say is dam that thing got huge did you top her or is that just the side branching's that got that big. and another question are those cfl's all the light you got sorry if that question has already been answered. and one more question (sorry for so many) but have your plants even started any trichome production.


Active Member
topped once when she was smalll and then left it alone(new to this).
all that grew were the side branches(shouldve topped more).
cfls are all that i have. i know for next time, bigger is better. these are workin just fine for now cause i move em almost everytwo hours during the light phase.

havent noticed much yet. mebe some towards the top flowers, but none on the leaves or this a problem?
today im at the end of the 5th week of flower....


Well-Known Member
na man it aint a problem you should see some more in the next coming weeks patience is your friend at this point looking pretty good though.


Active Member
u dont think the leaves are a problem do ya....the droopy-ness?
the missus is talkin sheet!!

takin away from my babies goodness!!


Well-Known Member
that may effect yield and a little of the potency but she should still produce its still early to tell especially for a plant that size definitely going to want to let it go for a while longer you might be very surprised and do you mist her on a daily.